"Hot planet, cool minds" - an overview of what we actually need to do for climate change

Climate change is a hot topic, for obvious and good reasons, and there is much discussion about what we need to do. To reach the goals for climate change we need to reduce the world's greenhouse gas emission drasticly, in fact so much that the emissions are less than zero within a couple of decades. Is that even possible?

Book cover. Black background with red text saying: Anja Røyne Varm klode, kaldt hode.

In the book "Hot planet, cool minds. Solutions for the climate crisis" award-winning author and physicist at Njord, Anja Røyne, gives us an overview over technical solutions that would make it possible for us to avoid the most catastrophic consequenses of the climate changes. Solutions that up until now have seemed impossible are becoming possible, but what does this measures claim from us in order for them to succeed? 

There will be a booklaunching event October 8th in Realfagsbiblioteket with Anja and other exciting speakers, enjoy!

Published Oct. 5, 2020 10:23 AM - Last modified Oct. 5, 2020 10:25 AM