M4: Mixing in Multiphase Flow through Microporous Media

Njord is proud to announce that a new PoreLab/Njord project has been funded by the NFR Researcher Project for Young Talents! The project is called M4 and is a collaboration between PoreLab and the Njord Centre at the University of Oslo, and SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics. The project will study the mixing in multiphase flow through microporous media. 

Blue dots on a black background and curly light blue lines extending from the bottom to the center of the background.

In project M4, we will establish the laws of solute mixing in multiphase flow through porous media, using a combination of theory, simulations and experiments. The figure shows evidence of chaotic mixing in a simulated two-phase flow through a porous medium consisting of randomly arranged cylindrical obstacles: a strip of solute (light colour) is elongated exponentially in time by a net upward flow. The two fluid phases can be distinguished as the two dark shades filling the space between the obstacles.

Principal Investigator Gaute Linga writes:

“When you add milk to a cup of coffee you can efficiently mix the components by stirring with a spoon: the system is brought from a state of separation – where the coffee and the milk exist in separate domains – to uniformity – where the coffee and milk are indistinguishably blended. In porous media such as soil, rock or blood vessels in the human body, it is the complicated flow paths that dictate how efficient the mixing is. Since mixing can bring chemicals into contact, it subsequently determines how fast chemical reactions occur. Mixing, therefore, has consequences for a broad range of natural and industrial processes; from CO2 storage below the Earth’s crust to drug delivery in the human body. In multiphase flow – when two or more liquids or gases are flowing together through the pores – the flow will vary in a complex way both in time and space, and we hitherto know very little about how the mixing occurs under these circumstances. The goal of this project is to reveal the mechanisms behind and to establish a physical explanation for how mixing occurs in multiphase flow through porous media. We will achieve this by an interdisciplinary approach which develops and combines novel numerical, experimental and theoretical methods.”

M4 brings together world-leading, complementary expertise on its two key ingredients: multiphase flow and mixing in porous media. It involves partners from the University of Oslo, the University of Rennes and SINTEF Digital, and is an interdisciplinary collaboration unifying theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches with perspectives to the many applications of microfluidics.

Read more about the M4 project here

Project participants:

Gaute Linga, Knut Jørgen Måløy, Eirik Grude Flekkøy, François Renard, Luiza Angheluta-Bauer, August Johansson (SINTEF Digital), Francesca Watson (SINTEF Digital), Tanguy Le Borgne (University of Rennes 1 and University of Oslo)


Published Dec. 1, 2021 3:44 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2023 12:19 PM