Young CAS Grant to Gaute Linga

The Young CAS Grant is a collaborative initiative between CAS, the Young Academy of Norway (AYF) and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA). The programme is designed to empower and support young researchers in their pursuit of project development and network expansion through residential fellowships. 

Figure: The key concepts of Mixing by interfaces: Macroscopic view of water infiltration (left, artwork by K. S. Olsen), with a zoom-in of the pore scale (right, simulation by G. Linga). Between the solid grains (gray), near the interface with air (black), two water-dissolved chemicals (cyan and blue) mix and react, forming a product (yellow).

The Young CAS project Mixing by interfaces aims to solve the fundamental challenge of understanding and predicting mixing and reaction dynamics during dynamic infiltration in soils. To do so, Linga and the other project participants will leverage state-of-the-art experimental data and numerical and theoretical techniques recently co-developed by team members. The project will provide unique data and theories on transient flow through partially-saturated media, which has broad implications for the fate and transport of nutrients and contaminants in soils.

The team of early career researchers will work together over the course of two years, over three immersive week-long gatherings (CAS/DNVA and Njord) in 2024 and a two-month stay at CAS in 2025. In addition to the PI, the core team consists of Tomas Aquino (IDAEA - Spanish National Research Council), Alexandre Puyguiraud (University of Rennes), Shabina Ashraf (University of Rennes/NIT Calicut), and Marcel Moura (Njord/PoreLab, UiO).  

Big congratulations to Njord researcher Gaute Linga for being funded by the Young CAS Project from January 2024 to December 2025.


Published Sep. 19, 2023 2:49 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2023 8:06 AM