Tidlegare arrangement - Side 137

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Abstract: Efficient and parameter robust solvers for multiscale/multiphysics systems, where the coupling is enforced by the Lagrange multipliers, rely on operators in fractional Sobolev spaces defined over the interface. Arguably, this feature is not unexpected as there is explicit coupling/an interfacial variable in the system. However, in this talk we show that even for coupled problems free of Lagrange multipliers the fractional operators are a crucial component for constructing robust preconditioners. Stokes-Darcy/Biot systems will be discussed.

This talk is part of the Mechanics Lunch Seminar series. That means 20min talks plus discussion in an informal setting.

Zoom: To obtain the Zoom meeting details please contact Timo Koch (timokoch at math.uio.no).

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Investigating the large scale structure of the universe: The cosmic web as a probe for cosmological parameters.

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Doctoral candidate Tristan Manfred Stöber at the Department of informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Cooperate to compete — Identifying a potential role for hippocampal region CA2 in episodic memory formation for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.


Surveillance System for Autonomous Survey Vehicles

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Andrew Pontzen, University College London (UK)

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Slotted ALOHA MAC mechanism for LoRaWAN

Tid og stad: , Digitalt via Zoom

"Elevers opplevelse av en fagdag med organisk kjemi og fokus på grønn kjemi"

Tid og stad: , Digital examination, Zoom

Seismic Wave Propagation Across Single Fractures: An Experimental and Numerical Study


Machine Learning for Exploration of Silica Structures Using Molecular Dynamics


Multi-point data analysis using Swarm electron density data

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Pancreatic cancer cell proliferation, glucose metabolism and chemosensitivity is affected by pancreatic stellate cells

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"Single-Photon Emitters in Silicon for Quantum Technology"


Title: Is the net cloud radiative effect constrained to be uniform over the tropical warm pools?

Speaker:   Casey J. Wall, Scripps 

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MSc. Henrik Vinther Sørensen at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending his thesis «Of Shellfish and Men: Applying X-ray and neutron techniques to investigate surface-active bacterial colonization factors» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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PhD candidate Eva Lena Fjeld Estensmo at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "The diversity and seasonality of the indoor mycobiome" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.


Machine Learning for Exploration of Mechanical Structures Using Molecular Dynamics

Tid og stad: , Digital examination, Zoom

Synthetic seismic illumination of CO2 migration in fault zones

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Doctoral candidate Stig Asle Vaksvik Synnes at the Department of informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Advanced Processing for Synthetic Aperture Sonar for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , via Zoom Webinar

Low-level Data Analysis, Calibration, and Ground Modeling with COMAP



Accounting for Buyer Characteristics in Property Valuation Models Based on Norwegian Transaction Data


Pre-therapeutic Dosimetric Prediction of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy

Tid og stad: , Digitalt via Zoom

"Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the urban atmosphere of Oslo"

Tid og stad: , Digitalt via Zoom

"Development of Earth Abundant ZnSnN2 for Solar Cell Applications"

Tid og stad: , via Zoom Webinar

The origin of the [CII] emission in high-redshift galaxies

Tid og stad: , Digital examination, Zoom

Statistical prediction modelling of rock glaciers in Norway