Tidlegare arrangement - Side 161

Tid og stad: , MetOs, meeting room 2418, Kristine Bonnevies hus, University of Oslo

Joint modeling of low temperature and lowwind speed events over Europe conditioned onwinter weather regimes

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor

Christian Page (Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo) will give a talk on October 13th at 14:15 (held with restricted attendance in the Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor and streamed in Zoom - the link will be sent by mail one day in advance).

Tid og stad: , Georg Sverdrups hus: undervisningsrom 3

Stressende hverdag? Mye å gjøre? Mye å tenke på? Håndtering av negativt stress har positiv innvirkning på den psykiske helsen.

Tid og stad: , Room 3508, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Late Lunch Talk by Kjetil Voje

Tid og stad: , Georg Sverdrups hus: undervisningrom 3

Stressende hverdag? Mye å gjøre? Mye å tenke på? Håndtering av negativt stress har positiv innvirkning på den psykiske helsen. 


Doctoral candidate Kaja Frøysaa Kvåle at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Detection of mechanical waves in the left ventricle using high frame rate imaging  for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

The transcriptome of Gadus morhua and its discordance with the genome

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

Alle har behov for å bli sett. Vi markerer Verdensdagen for psykisk helse med en kick-off stand i Vilhelm Bjerknes´ hus hvor vi deler ut kaffe, er tilstede og bryr oss om våre studenter og ansatte. Kom innom for en prat eller bare for en kopp kaffe.


C*-algebra seminar talk by Ulrik Enstad (University of Oslo)

Tid og stad: , Zoom Virtual Meeting

Hylleraas Friday seminar, hosted in Tromsø

Tid og stad: , Zoom

PhD candidate Christine Syrowatka at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Evolvability and Robustness: A Paradox in Evolutionary Theory" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , Aud 2 and Digital

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 9th of October @ 12:15, at Dept. of Geosciences. The seminar is in Aud 2 and it is also possible to follow digitally via videolink. The speaker is Regine Hock, Dept. of Geosciences.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor, seminar room 919

I will present some of my work on the solid-electrolyte interface. There, so-called electric double layers (EDLs) can form that consist of electrons on the solid screened by a diffuse cloud of ions in the adjacent liquid. EDLs are of paramount importance to many processes in physical chemistry, soft matter and biophysics, as well as in EDL capacitors and modern "supercapacitors". My work on EDLs focused on their (out-of-equilibrium) formation through questions like: 'On what timescale does an electrolyte respond to an applied temperature or voltage difference?', 'How does the (local) temperature in an electrolyte react to an applied electric field?', and 'How is the EDL affected by a change in temperature or salt concentration?'. I will show how answers to these questions suggest new methods for harvesting sustainable energy, for instance, from the controlled mixing of seawater and river water.

This talk is part of the Mechanics Lunch Seminar series. That means 20min talks plus discussion in an informal setting.

Registration Link:  https://nettskjema.no/a/161232


Tid og stad: , Online

Atul Mohan, Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, UiO.


Constructing a SVP for direct Sound velocity

Tid og stad: , Digitally: Recorded

Tittel prøveforelesing / Trial lecture title: “Processes in modern fluvial systems and their lithified expression”

Tid og stad: , Zoom

Doctoral candidate Christian Winther Wold at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is  defending the thesis "Immunomodulating polysaccharides, triterpenoids and melanin from the medicinal fungus Inonotus obliquus (Chaga)" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.


Polymer-Silicon Interface Study

Tid og stad: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Sydney Harbour contamination: modelling food web bioaccumulation of dioxins

Tid og stad: , Kjemisk institutt, Blindern

Vi markerer Odd Hassels Nobelpris og arbeid ved Kjemisk institutt med en avduking av blå plakett fra Oslo Byes Vel.

Tid og stad: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Effects of various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on cell signaling pathways with a particular focus on inflammation

Tid og stad: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Differential gene expression in Passer sparrows and the effect of hybridization and adaptation

Tid og stad: , Digitalt via Zoom

"Karakterisering av elektriske egenskaper til ZnO og SiC"

Tid og stad: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Neurotoxicity of biodiesel exhaust particles in vitro and in ovo using PC12 cells and the chicken embryo model

Tid og stad: , Zoom


Time-robust Optimal and Fair Automated Decisions