Tidlegare arrangement - Side 214

Tid og stad: , Lille fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Ilia Kolevatov at the Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic:

" Local vibrational modes of some selected defects studied in the thesis. What more can we learn from this approach?"

Tid og stad: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Distribution and spatial statistics of pockmarks above the Smeaheia CO2 storage area: Evaluating Quaternary sediments as a secondary seal

Tid og stad: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

"Measurement and simulation of prompt fission γ-rays from the (d,p)-induced fission of ²⁴¹Pu*"

Tid og stad: , Scandic Holmenkollen Hotel

Dr. Günter Klambauer, Institute for Bioinformatics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, will present the lecture "Deep Learning methods in early-stage drug discovery."

Tid og stad: , Tallhall / met.no

Title: Aerosol-cloud interactions in the Arctic: Recent results from observations on Svalbard and the high Arctic

Speaker: Paul Zieger, Univ. Stockholm

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 4, Kjemibygningen

"Studying the Kinetic Pathways for Micellar Solubilisation Using Small Angle Scattering Techniques: Interaction Between an Anionic Surfactant and Polymer Micelles"

Tid og stad: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Ottavia Balducci, University of Munich (LMU)

Weekly Theory Seminar, and also part of the SDI seminar series.

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Helga Eng

Cand. Pharm Marianne Lea ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Towards safer drug therapy and improved clinical outcomes in elderly and multimorbid patients.

Tid og stad: , NHA 723

Ulrik Enstad (University of Oslo) will give a talk titled: Heisenberg modules and the existence (or lack thereof) of Gabor frames


Subtle Stiefel-Whitney classes have been introduced by Smirnov and Vishik as a tool for classifying quadratic forms. Following this path, in this talk, I will introduce subtle characteristic classes for Hermitian forms, coming from the motivic cohomology ring of the Nisnevich classifying space of the unitary group associated to the standard split Hermitian form of a quadratic extension. Moreover, I will discuss the connection between these new classes and the subtle Stiefel-Whitney ones, deduce information on the kernel invariant for quadratic forms divisible by a 1-fold Pfister form, show that these classes see the triviality of Hermitian forms and express the motive of the torsor associated to a Hermitian form in terms of its subtle characteristic classes.  

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Helga Eng

Cand. Pharm Marianne Lea ved Farmasøytisk institutt avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Frailty, disability and polypharmacy in elderly. The risk of death.

Tid og stad: , room 209 in Niels Henrik Abels hus

Join the 2nd CBA lunch seminar, where Dag Hessen will present his research!

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Auditorium 1

The 4th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics

Tid og stad: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Holger Bech Nielsen, Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen

Weekly Theory Seminar.

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom Gleditsch (VU49), Kjemibygningen

"Extraction of zinc from highly saline and acidic solutions"

Tid og stad: , Aud 1, Geologibygningen

En nestor innen geologi, professor emeritus Knut Bjørlykke, Institutt for geofag vil holde et foredrag med historisk blikk på geologi fra 1950-tallet til nå, hvordan han fikk sitt virke innen nettopp dette faget, og om sin forskning og undervisning. Mye bildemateriale loves! 

Tid og stad: , Desolation Row, Ullevål Stadion, Oslo

Hylleraas Friday seminar, hosted in Oslo

Tid og stad: , Aud 1, GEO

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 10th of May @ 12:15 in Aud 1, The Geology building. The seminar is helt by Aynom Teweldebrhan, Dept. of Geosciences..

Tid og stad: , Institutt for teknologisystemer, Gunnar Randers vei 19, Kjeller. Rom: Auditoriet

Solenergi er på full fart mot å bli verdens viktigste energikilde. Stadig nye markeder og teknologier vokser frem.

Tid og stad: , NHA B1120
Tid og stad: , Lounge 10th floor

On the occasion of his new tenure track associate professor-position, David Banos will present a lecture on

"Modelling and Estimation of Stochastic Transition Rates in Life Insurance"

There will be served cakes and coffee!

Tid og stad: , Origo, the Physics Building

By Professor Wojciech Miloch, Plasma and space physics, UiO

Tid og stad: , Tallhall / met.no

Title: Are aerosol remote sensing products from satellite good enough to evaluate models?

Speaker: Nick Schutgens, VU Amsterdam