Tidlegare arrangement - Side 215

Tid og stad: , rom 3203

”Survival of the smartest? An inquiry into behavioural character displacement in a Passer species”

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, ROOM 1120

Professor Emanuela Rosazza-Gianin from 

University Milano Bicocca, Italy

is giving a lecture with the following title

Dynamic robust Orlicz premia and Haezendonck-Goovaerts risk measures

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 1120

Professor Emanuela Rosazza-Gianin from University of Milano Bicocca will give a lecture with the following title

Dynamic robust Orlicz premia and Haezendonck-Goovaerts risk measures

Tid og stad: , Theory group room (4th floor, east wing)

Thomas Edwards, University of Amsterdam

Weekly Theory Seminar, and also part of the SDI seminar series.

Tid og stad: , NHA 108

Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul National University, Korea) will give a talk titled: Indecomposable exposed multi-linear maps and separable states with unique decomposition.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor

Andreas Mayr (Department of Medical Biometry, Informatics and Epidemiology, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität of Bonn, GER) will give a talk on May 7th at 14:15 in the Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor.

Combining computational and experimental approaches, MIT-Professor Christopher Voigt has made outstanding contributions to the fields of synthetic biology and biological engineering. 

M.Sc. Daniel Paul Lupp at the Department of Informatics will be defending his dissertation for the degree of PhD:

"A Higher-Level View of Ontological Modeling: Rule-Based Approaches for Data Transformation, Modeling, and Maintenance"

Tid og stad: , Room 4213

Simen Hermansen, Håkon Muland Kenich, Tor Arne Justad and Mathias Andreasen are all master students at the EVOGENE section. They will present their projects in a flash Monday 6th of May.

Tid og stad: , CCSE meeting room

The State of Equity in College Physics Student Learning in the United States: a Critical Quantitative Intersectionality Investigation

Tid og stad: , PRIO, Hausmanns gate 3, Oslo

The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD-course Gender, Peace and Conflict to take place at PRIO in Oslo on 6-8 May 2019. The deadline for applications is 6 March 2019.

Tid og stad: , Room 3508

By Mark J. Costello from the Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Tid og stad: , Department of Chemistry, Tromsø

Hylleraas Friday seminar, hosted in Tromsø

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 3, kristine Bonnevies hus building

MSc Katrine Wickstrøm at Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Exploring Targeted Thorium Conjugate and Small Molecule Combinations: New Effective Treatments for Cancer for the degree of PhD.

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 3, Kristine Bonnevies hus

MSc Katrine Wickstrøm ved Institutt for biovitenskap vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden PhD: Exploring Targeted Thorium Conjugate and Small Molecule Combinations: New Effective Treatments for Cancer.

Tid og stad: , Aud 1, GEO

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 3rd of May @ 12:15 in Aud 1, The Geology building. The seminar is helt by Anders Solheim (UiO- NGI).

Bart De Pontieu — Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory, Palo Alto

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 3, Krisitne Bonnevies hus

MSc Katrine Wickstrøm ved Institutt for biovitenskap avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Exploiting the 5 Rs of radiotherapy: how do proton therapy and radioimmunotherapy compare with conventional radiotherapy?

Tid og stad: , Tallhall / met.no

Title: The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE): Filling a Startling Gap in Polar Climate Observation

Speaker: Tristan L'Ecuyer, U. Wisconsin

Tid og stad: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Join us to celebrate our Centre for Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene together with the UiO science library. 

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 4, Kjemibygningen

"Porphyrin-based films for photodynamic inactivation of bacteria"

Tid og stad: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

MSc Ignacio Cuervo at Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Unravelling transcriptional regulation through chromatin interacting proteins and SUMOylation for the degree of PhD.