Tidlegare arrangement - Side 285

Tid og stad: , Ø467

Yoann Génolini, LAPTH Annecy

Recent experiments (notably PAMELA and, more recently, AMS-02) are ushering us into a new era of measurements of cosmic-ray fluxes with greatly reduced statistical uncertainties.    These high precision measurements offer new opportunities for a number of astroparticle problems, such as indirect dark matter searches. In particular, astrophysical anti-particle fluxes are thought to be produced only by collisions of cosmic rays on the interstellar medium, and their relatively low flux makes them a channel of choice to look for rare processes. Nonetheless, the prediction of these expected backgrounds relies on a precise modeling of the cosmic ray propagation and interaction in the Galaxy, usually constrained by « secondary over primary » ratios. I will show that the predictions for the most widely used among these probes, the boron-to-carbon ratio (B/C), strongly depends on underlying assumptions. Under some simplified hypotheses on the propagation scenario, I will present two of our studies reevaluating anti-protons and positrons fluxes in the light of new AMS02 data, and discuss the implications for dark matter. (continued below)    

(The slides will be available here)

Tid og stad: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

John Webb, Professor at University New South Wales, Australia

Tid og stad: , Cinemateket

Velkommen til filmvisning av The Andromeda Strain. Professor i kjemisk livsvitenskap, Carl Henrik Gørbitz, skal snakke om hva som gjør den unik blant romvesenfilmer.

Tid og stad: , The Aquarium

This thursday, at the Speciation Journal Club, we will discuss a paper on  levels of nucleotide diversity in homologous regions of the avian genome, by Dutoit et al. 2017 (Proceedings B)

Tid og stad: , Aud 1, GEO

Welcome to GeoHyd Lunch Seminar Thursday March 2nd @ 12:15 in Aud 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og stad: , 801
Tid og stad: , Rom 4512

"Ability to adjust breeding time to earliness of spring - a comparative study of four passerine bird species

Tid og stad: , Seminar room KV346 Chemistry Building

Cecilia M. Futsæther, Dept. Mathematical Sciences and Technology, NMBU, Ås.

Tid og stad: , Seminar room 3508

By Mihaela Pavlicev from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center


Riccardo De Bin (Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo) will give a seminar in the lunch area, 8th floor Niels Henrik Abels hus at 14:15.

Tid og stad: , Auditoriet Lassegrotta, UNIS

Master in Optics Xiangcai Chen at Department of Physics will be defending the thesis A study of dayside open/closed field line boundary dynamics using simultaneous ground-based optical and HF radar observations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD)

Tid og stad: , Auditoriet Lassegrotta, UNIS

Doctoral candidate Master in Optics Xiangcai at Department of Physics will give a trial lecture on the given topic: "Challenges in radio wave communication and navigation at auroral latitudes"


Tid og stad: , Robert Collets hus,4etg

Genomic Analyses of Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) individuals

Tid og stad: , Lecture hall 2, Pharmacy building

Licenciada in Pharmacy Victoria Jeaninne Valerón Bergh at School of Pharmacy will be defending the thesis Pharmaceutical preformulation and formulation of an alloxazine and a porphyrin-type photosensitizer for the degree of Ph..D..

Tid og stad: , Room 4213

Jonfinn M. B. Knutsen and William B. Reinar (EVOGENE/CEES), UiO

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Farmasibygningen

Licenciada i farmasi Victoria Jeaninne Valerón Bergh ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Pharmaceutical preformulation and formulation of an alloxazine and a porphyrin-type photosensitizer.

M.Sc. Michael Alexander Riegler at the Department of Informatics will be defending his dissertation for the degree of Ph.D:

EIR – A Medical Multimedia System for Efficient Computer Aided Diagnosis

Tid og stad: , Aud. 2, Geology building, University of Oslo

Den historiske utviklingen av organisk karbon og naturtilstanden i dypbassenget til Lurefjorden, Hordaland: En mikropaleontologisk og geokjemisk studie

Tid og stad: , Lecture hall 2, Pharmacy building

Licenciada in Pharmacy Victoria Jeaninne Valerón Bergh at School of Pharmacy will give a trial lecture on the given topic: Cyclodextrins as pharmaceutical excipients: advantages and limitations

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Farmasibygningen

Licenciada i farmasi Victoria Jeaninne Valerón Bergh ved Farmasøytisk institutt avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Cyclodextrins as pharmaceutical excipients: advantages and limitations.

Tid og stad: , Room U540, Natural History Museum Dept. Økern, Kabelgaten 38, Oslo

Biostratigraphy of Cambrian- Ordovician boundary at Krekling, Norway

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom 3213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Characterization of a Novel Human Methyltransferase

Tid og stad: , Room 3302

This Friday, February 24th, we're discussing a paper by Rabosky and Goldberg (2015): "Model Inadequacy and Mistaken Inferences of Trait-Dependent Speciation."

Hope to see you there!

Tid og stad: , Aquarium (3302)

The demographic buffering hypothesis states that the temporal variation in vital rates is smaller the more these vital rates contribute to fitness. The pattern is appears well supported, but recent evidence indicates that life histories may be buffered or labile, and that there is a phylogenetic signal in this.