Tidlegare arrangement - Side 290

Tid og stad: , Lecture hall 2, Pharmacy Building

MSc. Pharm Sara Pistone will be defending the thesis Formulation and evaluation of polysaccharide- and liposome-based nanosystems for improved targeting to the oral cavity for the degree of Ph.D.

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Farmasibygningen

Master i farmasi Sara Pistone ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Formulation and evaluation of polysaccharide- and liposome-based nanosystems for improved targeting to the oral cavity.

Tid og stad: , Lille fysiske auditorium (V232)

Making SUSY Natural Again - Investigating the Naturalness Reach of the International Linear Collider

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Farmasibygningen

Master i farmasi Sara Pistone ved Farmasøytisk institutt avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Orodispersible dosage forms.

Tid og stad: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Ecological and behavioural flexibility of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) living in a savanna-woodland fragment near Kigoma, Tanzania

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Helga Eng

Master i farmasi Janne Olsen Frenvik ved Farmasøytisk institutt vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Development of Separation Technology for the Removal of Radium-223 from Targeted Thorium Conjugate Formulations.

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom 2621, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Genetic correlates of the cortisol awakening response in patients remitted from major depressive disorder

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

The Dynamic Expression of Developmental Genes in the Embryonic and the Post-Embryonic Stages of the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

Tid og stad: , Det teologiske fakultet, auditorium U40

Stefanie Schön ved Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning og Det teologiske fakultet vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor). Tittelen på avhandlingen er: "How did the Woman in Hosea 2 become an adulterous wife? Re-evaluating the Concept of Canon in Light of Secondary Backgrounds in Modern Reception."

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2, Helga Eng

Master i farmasi Janne Olsen Frenvik ved Farmasøytisk institutt avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Theranostics: a new way of curing disease.

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom 4424, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Hypothalamic circuits involved in innate defensive behavior are both GABAergic and glutamatergic

Tid og stad: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

”Long non-coding RNAs in the development and evolution of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

Tid og stad: , Kurssalen (U37A), Geology building, University of Oslo

The Thermo-tectonic History of a Gneiss-Amphibolite Sequence, Iddefjord, Østfold

Tid og stad: , Aud. 1, GEO

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Thursday Dec. 15th @ 12:15in aud. 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og stad: , GHS room 3514

Ulrik Bo Rufus Enstad (Oslo) will give a talk with title: Connections between Gabor frames and Noncommutative Tori

Abstract: A Gabor frame is a special type of frame in the Hilbert space of square-integrable functions on the real line. Gabor frames provide robust, basis-like representations of functions, and have applications in a wide range of areas. They have a duality theory which is deeply linked to Rieffel’s work on imprimitivity bimodules over noncommutative tori. We explore several links between Gabor frames and noncommutative tori, and show how operator algebras can be used to give alternative proofs of theorems from time-frequency analysis.  This talk is based on my Master’s thesis written at NTNU, which reviews Franz Luef’s work on the connections between Gabor frames and modules over noncommutative tori, as well as some joint work with Franz Luef.

Tid og stad: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Climate change effects on substrate affinity and trait-dependent responses in wood-decomposing fungi

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom 4424; Kristine Bonnevies hus

Glucose and Vascular Inflammation

Tid og stad: , Aud. 2, Geology building, University of Oslo

Reservoir Characterization of Jurassic Sandstones of the Johan Sverdrup Field, Central North Sea

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 1, the Geology building

Benedikt Lerch at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Petroleum Systems of the Barents Sea – A geochemical study for improved petroleum system understanding

Cand.Scient. Kjetil Kjernsmo at the Department of Informatics will be defending his dissertation for the degree of Ph.D:

SPARQL on the Open, Decentralised Web

Tid og stad: , Aud. 3, Geology building, University of Oslo

Reservoir Characterization of Triassic and Jurassic sandstones of Snorre Field, the northern North Sea

Tid og stad: , Aud. 3, ZEB-building, University of Oslo

Continental-Oceanic transition–examples from the Indian ocean passive margins.

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 1, the Geology building

Javad Naseryan-Moghadam at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Investigation of petrophysical and rock physical aspects of CO2 storage in Sandstone reservoirs - An experimental study

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 1036

Nacira Agram (University of Oslo) gives a lecture with the title: Model Uncertainty Stochastic Mean-Field Control.