Tidlegare arrangement - Side 46

Tid og stad: , Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups building at RITMO Centre

Doctoral candidate Benedikte Wallace at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis AI-generated Dance and The Subjectivity Challenge for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , ITS
Tid og stad: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Assessing Methods for Lifetime Measurements in Neutron-Rich Mass ∼ 100 Nuclei Using FATIMA

Tid og stad: , Domus Medica building, Auditorium L-200

Welcome to a two-day event in Oslo. The event will cover the broad topics of ageing and dementia, in particular Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, at molecular, individual, and societal levels.

Helga Margrete Bodahl Holmestad from the SINTEF Digital’s Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics. 

Helga, together with Eirik Høyehem (Helga's summer student) and Mari Lindlan (a former CS student working in the optimization group) will share with us:

Tid og stad: , V205 Oslo and Tromsø via Zoom

Hylleraas seminar, hosted in Oslo

Tid og stad: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/61680418301

Åke Fagereng is a Professor in structural geology at Cardiff University. 

Tid og stad: , Room 4424 - H.H.Gran, Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Franck L. P. Lejzerowicz, Postdoc at AQUA, IBV

Tid og stad: , Store Fysiske auditorium (V343) - Fysikkbygningen

Eli Bæverfjord Rye will defend her thesis “Searching for chargino–neutralino pair production in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector” for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Tid og stad: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to the GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 15th of September @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Olivier Gagliardini, Université Grenoble Alpes.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor

Innovations in fluid mechanics are leading to better food since ancient history, while creativity in cooking inspires applied and fundamental science. In this talk, I will discuss how recent advances in hydrodynamics are changing food science, and how the surprising phenomena that arise in the kitchen lead to discoveries and technologies across the disciplines, including rheology and soft matter. Central topics include cocktails and champagne (multiphase flows), whipped cream (complex fluids) and pancake making (viscous flows). For every topic, I will present the state-of-the-art knowledge, the open problems, and likely directions for future research.

Mathijssen, A. J., Lisicki, M., Prakash, V. N., & Mossige, E. J. (2023). Culinary fluid mechanics and other currents in food science. Reviews of Modern Physics, 95(2), 025004.

Fuller, G. G., Lisicki, M., Mathijssen, A. J., Mossige, E. J., Pasquino, R., Prakash, V. N., & Ramos, L. (2022). Kitchen flows: Making science more accessible, affordable, and curiosity driven. Physics of Fluids, 34(11).

Tid og stad: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus

Sigurd K. Næss, Researcher at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.

Tid og stad: , Ole-Johan Dahls hus

Studentforeningen dagen@ifi arrangerer en av de største IT-karrieredagene i Oslo. Her samles flere titalls bedrifter og hundrevis av nysgjerrige IT-studenter fyller Ole-Johan Dahls hus.

Tid og stad: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for PhDs and Postdocs.


Søknadsfristen til utveksling nærmer seg med stormskritt. Vurderer du å søke?

Tid og stad: , Avogadro, Department of Chemistry

Hylleraas Math help has the objective to help students with their understanding of mathematics on all levels. Any math question ranging from the exercises in introductory math courses to advanced questions is welcome.

Tid og stad: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: The overlooked radiative forcing of desert dust

Speaker: Jasper Kok, UCLA

Tid og stad: , Origo

Felleskollokvium by Dr. Antoine Camper, Dept. of Physics, UiO

Tid og stad: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area with PhD Candidate Harish Jain.

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Hjort 4512

Post-translational mechanisms involved in the regulation of Cx43-based gap junctions in cervical cancer cells and implications of their loss for cisplatin sensitivity

Tid og stad: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar talk by Valerio Proietti (University of Oslo)

Tid og stad: , Meeting rom 217b (iEarth), the Geology building

An evaluation of methods for acid rock drainage prediction

Tid og stad: , Department of Technology Systems, Gunnar Randers vei 19, Kjeller , Room 402

The recent news concerning the landing of the Indian mission Chandrayaan-3 have reminded us that the focal points of the human exploration of the Solar Systems have been the Moon and Mars.

Tid og stad: , Greenhouse / 3215

Late Lunch Talk by Tirza Moerman

Tid og stad: , CCSE seminar room

Anders Malthe-Sørenssen: Center for Interdiciplinary Education (INT-ED) brings together students from The Faculty of Humanities, The  Faculty of Social Sciences and The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UIO to develop students interdiciplinary competence. The centers goal is to include students in development of new interdiciplinary processes.

Anders vil give a presentation of the new Center for Excellence in Education.