Tidlegare arrangement - Side 73

Tid og stad: , Lille fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Quantum Extremal Surfaces - A review of possible solutions to the Black Hole Information Paradox

Tid og stad: , NHA B1120
Already Plücker knew that a smooth complex plane quartic curve has exactly 28 bitangents. Bitangents of quartic curves are related to a variety of mathematical problems. They appear in one of Arnold's trinities, together with lines in a cubic surface and 120 tritangent planes of a sextic space curve. In this talk, we review known results about counts of bitangents under variation of the ground field. Special focus will be on counting in the tropical world, and its relations to real and arithmetic counts. We end with new results concerning the arithmetic multiplicity of tropical bitangent classes, based on joint work in progress with Sam Payne and Kris Shaw.
Tid og stad: , Room 1259 "Abels utsikt", 12th floor, Niels Henrik Abels hus, University of Oslo

A two-days meeting of the Steering Council for Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA).

Tid og stad: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies Hus

Title: Atmospheric Aerosols, Acidity and Impacts

Speaker: Athanasios Nenes, EPFL

Tid og stad: , Origo, Physics building

Felleskollokvium by Heidi Sandaker, Head of the Norwegian Center for CERN-related research (NorCC)

Tid og stad: , dScience Lounge Area

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Tid og stad: , Klimahuset, Naturhistorisk museum, Tøyen

Popularvitenskapelig foredrag med Dr. Mikkel Sinding, Københavns Universitet. Gratis - Åpent for alle! Foredraget holdes på dansk.

Tid og stad: , Oslo Science Park, Forum auditorium

We welcome companies and students from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to the matchmaking event. After the event, the students can apply for summer jobs in the companies.

Tid og stad: , Forskningsparken i Oslo, Forum auditorium

Vi ønsker bedrifter samt studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet og Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet velkommen til matchmakingsarrangement. I etterkant av arrangementet kan studentene søke sommerjobb i bedriftene.

Tid og stad: , NHA107

C*-algebra seminar by Ole Brevig (University of Oslo)

Tid og stad: , Oslo

Registration and abstract submission are open for the first annual Norwegian Biodiversity & Genomics Conference in Oslo. This meeting will celebrate biodiversity, genomics with applications to biodiverse species, and their intersection – biodiversity genomics.

Tid og stad: , Zoom

MN-fakultetet inviterer til digitalt informasjonsmøte om utveksling, der vi forteller deg hva du trenger å vite for å planlegge et semester i utlandet.

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, Room 3205 (Hox)

Welcome to the first seminar of the semester, where we will host a talk by Dr. Elise H. Thompson (Fyhn Group, FYSCELL, IBV)

Tid og stad: , Linken, Georg Svedrups hus

Would you like to improve your skills and knowledge in English for academic purposes?

Tid og stad: , Kunnskapsveien 55, 2007 Kjeller

GEMINI-senter for småsatellitter ved SFI Senter for romsensorer og –systemer (CENSSS), NTNU og SINTEF inviterer norske aktører, studenter og interessenter i småsatellitter til Norsk mikrosatellittkonferanse 2023, tirsdag 7. februar fra 10.00-18.30.  

Tid og stad: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Vivek Prakash is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, and a secondary faculty in the Departments of Biology, and Marine Biology & Ecology (RSMAS) at the University of Miami. 

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor

Why is deep learning so successful in many applications of modern AI? This question has puzzled the AI community for more than a decade, and many attribute the success of deep learning to the implicit regularization imposed by the Neural Network (NN) architectures and the gradient descent algorithm. In this talk we will investigate the implicit regularization of so-called linear NNs in the simplified setting of linear regression. Furthermore, we will show how this theory meets fundamental computational boundaries imposed by the phenomenon of generalized hardness of approximation. That is, the phenomenon where certain optimal NNs can be proven to exist, but any algorithm will fail to compute these NNs to an accuracy below a certain approximation threshold. Thus, paradoxically, there will exist deep learning methods that are provably optimal, but that can only be computed to a certain accuracy.

Vegard Antun is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oslo, department of Mathematics.

Tid og stad: , V205 Oslo and Tromsø via Zoom

Hylleraas seminar, hosted in Oslo

Tid og stad: , Lids hus (NHM)

Riparian forest cover impact on aquatic diversity identified by metabarcoding

Tid og stad: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 3rd of February @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Kristen Joy Valseth, UiO-Math.

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom Sanger 3213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Memory effects in the autophagic response of S. cerevisiae

Tid og stad: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus / Zoom

Harald Thommesen, Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.

Tid og stad: , DSC-Oasen, HumSam library, Georg Sverdrups hus

Is it difficult to set aside time to write? The Academic Writing Centre organsises structured writing sessions for doctoral students.

Tid og stad: , Lillestrøm bibliotek,

Velkommen til en ny sesong med "På trappene med UiO". ny forskning presenteres for folket på bibliotekets amfitrapp 

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjernes hus, Auditorium 1

MN-fakultetet inviterer til informasjonsmøte om utveksling, der vi forteller deg hva du trenger å vite for å planlegge et semester i utlandet.