Tidlegare arrangement - Side 87

Tid og stad: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Kvantifisering av dose og doserespons i humane A549-lungekreftceller bestrålt med inkorporert tritium - Protokoll og metodeevaluering

PhD candidate Nadeem Joudeh at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Escherichia coli-mediated palladium nanoparticle synthesis" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og stad: , CINPLAs møterom (2621), Kristine Bonnevies hus

Effects of testosterone treatment on muscle fiber properties in an inducible mouse myonuclear knockout model

Tid og stad: , rom U540, Naturhistorisk museum Økern, Kabelgaten 40

Quantitative paleoecology and gradient analysis of the Rytteråker Formation, Lower Silurian, Oslo region

Tid og stad: , Thon Hotel Opera

- Hva du ikke finner på EIOPAs sider

- Matematisk Institutt ved professor emeritus Erik Bølviken tilbyr et to-dagers etterutdanningskurs i Solvency II.


Tid og stad: , Sundvolden Hotel

Join us for two and a half days of talks, discussions, and workshops covering topics ranging from metagenomics, diagnostic bioinformatics, phylogenetics to biostatistics, machine learning, and molecular modeling.

Tid og stad: , Rom 720, 7 etg. (Niels Henrik Abels hus) / Zoom

Ph.d.-kandidat Juan Camilo Guevara Gomez ved Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen "Observations of the dynamics and structure of the solar atmosphere with ALMA" for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , CICERO, Gaustadalléen 21. Room: Rio

Title: (two short lectures) "Deconstructing tropospheric chemical rates and feedbacks from the ATom observations" and "Surprises in the nitrous oxide budget and lifetime"

Speaker: Michael Prather, UC Irvine

Tid og stad: , Bikuben

Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where there will be a light lunch and talk by Dr. Pablo Vargas (Institut Necker Enfants-Malades, Faculté de Médecine Necker,Paris, France).

The TEAM-program is an educational intervention to provide team training for first-year medical and other healthcare students. The aim of the program is two-fold:

(1) To build trust and team skills among the students in order to develop an inclusive and collaborative learning environment.

(2) To prepare the students for their future roles as leaders, communicators and collaborators in an increasingly more complex healthcare system.

The core element is a two-day team seminar, inspired by the Program Seminars at the MN-Faculty, UiO, and the Learning-Team Retreat, at Perelman School of Medicine, UPenn. 

The program is based on a step-wise, research-based model for building well-functioning teams, where each step is implemented through specific activities.

The development and execution of the program is facilitated by near-peer mentors, who follow their designated learning teams through the first year. The educational intervention is systematically evaluated and involves several research projects. Here I will present the program, share what we have learned so far and discuss future developments.

Tid og stad: , Gamle festsal(Urbygningen), Domus Academica

PhD candidate Katharina Vestre at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Regulation of cell migration and division by Rab GTPases" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og stad: , Rom Ø397, Fysikkbygningen

Studying Place Cell Formation and Remapping in an Artificial Neural Network Model

Tid og stad: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/69799017530

Njord Seminar with talks by:

Marthe Grønlie Guren (Njord, UiO): "Linking dissolution rates at carbonate surfaces using X-ray tomography and numerical modelling"

Paiman Shafabakhsh (Njord, UiO) : "Neutron and X-ray imaging of reactive-mixing in porous rocks"

Dag Kristian Dysthe (Njord, UiO) -  An update on his work at the moment.

Tid og stad: , Chemistry building: Auditorium 2

Msc. Giuseppe at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis
«Vapour-solid interactions for SMSB and asymmetric amplification of pyrimidine and pyridine aldehydes» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , V205 Oslo and Tromsø via Zoom

Hylleraas seminar, hosted in Oslo

Tid og stad: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 23rd of September @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Anne Sophie Daloz, CICERO.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 9th floor

Stephen Hladky presents work in collaboration with Margery A. Barrand (both Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge).

Abstract: Extravascular fluxes of marker substances and some wastes are sufficiently fast that there is almost certain to be a component of flow augmenting their diffusion in the parenchyma. There have been two major proposals for how this flow is produced and where it is important. The evidence for the classical and glymphatic hypotheses will be reviewed. Extravascular, and in particular perivascular, routes for fluid movement out of the parenchyma to lymphatics may be important in the development of hydrocephalus.

Tid og stad: , Online

Benjamin Keller, Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Memphis.

Tid og stad: , NHA 723 and Online
Tid og stad: , Institutt for teknologisystemer, Gunnar Randers Vei 19, rom 301

Velkommen til en prøveforelesning med Anja Kohfeldt til stillingen som mulig førsteamanuensis i Romsystemer ved UiO!

Tid og stad: , Kjemibygningen, Alkymisten

MENAgeriet inviterer alle jenter som studerer realfag til en kveld med taco, hygge og nettverksbygging. Gratis å delta og ingen påmelding. 

Tid og stad: , Kjemikantinen og seminarrom Curie

Et faglig tilbud til alle bachelorstudenter som tar emner på Kjemisk institutt. Tilbudet er særlig relevant for deg som følger: MENA1001, KJM1101, KJM1130 og KJM2400.

Tid og stad: , NHA B1120

I will explain how motivic homotopy theory can be used to attack problems regarding finite projective modules over smooth affine k-algebras. I will recall in particular the foundational theorem of Morel and Asok-Hoyois-Wendt, and the construction of the Barge-Morel Euler class. Time permitting, I will explain recent progress on Murthy's splitting conjecture.

Tid og stad: , NHA723

C*-algebra seminar talk by Marco Matassa (OsloMet)

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 4, Kjemisk Institutt

"Synthetic studies toward an analog of Protectin D1n-3 DPA"