Tidlegare arrangement - Side 95

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Pollen 3203

Social stress and adrenal gene expression changes - can stress promote pain?

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 4, Kjemisk Institutt

"Bruk av leseverktøy i kjemi 1-En kvalitativ undersøkelse av elevers diskusjon og argumentasjon i forbindelse med bruk av et leseverktøy"

Tid og stad: , Zoom

Vanessa Wyrwoll will defend her thesis "Unique particle beams and energies at CERN applied to radiation testing of electronicsfor the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

PhD candidate Naomi Croft Guslund at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Characterising the Atlantic cod immune system with single-cell transcriptomics" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Sars 4613

Ecosystem effects of invasive domesticated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and global warming

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 4, Kjemisk Institutt

"On the interaction between model membrane systems mimicking eukaryotic membranes and the antimicrobial peptide indolicidin. The effect of cholesterol content and lipid rafts"

Tid og stad: , Seminarrom Berzelius, Kjemisk Institutt

"Reactivity of Halodiazoacetates and Halodiazoamides"

Tid og stad: , Undervisningsrom 1119, N. H. Abels hus

Tittel: Decomposition of the Kähler differentials

Tid og stad: , Seminar room K04120, Institute for Cancer Research

Investigating the role of autophagy in removal of defective endosomes

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Sars 4613

Kvantifisering av hoppekrepsparasitter med digitale fluorescens-bilder

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Pollen 3203

Deciphering the molecular basis underlying the regulation of the gap-junction protein connexin43 by the E3 ubiquitin ligases SMURF2 and NEDD4

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 3, Kjemisk Institutt

"SiC Powder as Source for Single Photon Emission in Quantum Technologies"

Tid og stad: , ITS, rom 301

The Effect of Water Availability on the European Green-Hydrogen Based Power System:
Water – Energy Nexus Approach

Tid og stad: , ITS, rom 301

The Effect of Water Availability on the European Green-Hydrogen Based Power System:
Water – Energy Nexus Approach

Tid og stad: , Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus, Blindernveien 31

By Jeremy Swann from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany. Open for all.

Tid og stad: , Awk (3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus

Parasitic’ Photo Diodes in General Purpose 180nm CMOS

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 4, Kjemisk Institutt

"Positioning and control of single-photon emitters in SiC-based nanostructures for quantum applications"

Doctoral candidate Magnus Li at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Enterprise Software as Design Infrastructure for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og stad: , The Geology building, Room 219 Valhall

Infrastructure exposure to shallow landslides in Upper Gudbrandsdalen; Predicting the impact of climate change using the TRIGRS and RAMMS models.

Tid og stad: , Lille fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Utvikling av et ekkoloddystem

Tid og stad: , Scene HumSam

Welcome to the opening of the University Library's major new initiative: the Digital Scholarship Centre (DSC).

Tid og stad: , Kristian Birkelands auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Characterization of Cardiac Cellular Dynamics Using Physics-informed Neural Networks

Tid og stad: , Undervisninsrom 819, N. H. Abels hus

Tittel: Selvsimilære fraktaler og flatefyllende kurver: En analyse av selvsimilære systemer

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Hjort 4512

Seal the deal; Developing methods to shed light on food web utilisation by a top predator.

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Gran 4424

Functional diversity of myoglobin isozymes from Carassius auratus - Biophysical study of myoglobin as a peroxidase