Impact Breakfast - Covid-19 Special Edition

This Impact Breakfast presents seven scientists looking into Covid-19. The talks will borrow from a wide range of topics, from early to late phase studies, testing to vaccine and social innovation.

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, rød, fargerikhet, skrift, karmin.

This event will be livestreamed. Please register as attending to gain access to the talks. We encourage you to register as soon as possible on Eventbrite.


08:30-08:40:Introduction by Per Morten Sandset, Vice-Rector The University of Oslo and scientist at Research Institute of Internal Medicine (RIIM) at Oslo University Hospital.

08:40.08:55:TSD: a platform for research and innovation with sensitive data. Leon du Toit, USIT/UiO.

08:55-09:10:DHIS2 for Covid -19 surveillance – local innovation and global response. Kristin Braa, HISP/DHIS2 at Department of Informatics, UiO.

09:10-09:25:The dynamics of The COVID-19 pandemic under external drivers at different stages of the pandemic. Nils Christian Stenseth, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO.

09:25-09:40:Spatial modelling of COVID-19 in Norway. Solveig Engebretsen, Norwegian Computing Center and UiO.

09:40-09:55:Covid-19 IgG antibody test. Christian Drevon, UiO & Vitas AS.

09:55-10:10:​COVID-19: Surveillance of medications safety – capitalizing on Norwegian registry data to answer global question. Hedvig Nordeng, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO.

10:10-10:25:Targeted vaccine for COVID-19. Ranveig Bråthen, Oslo University Hospital and UiO. 

10:25: Final words

10:30:Program ends


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Oslo Science Park
Emneord: Innovasjon, forskning, Arrangementer
Publisert 13. jan. 2021 18:55 - Sist endra 30. aug. 2021 14:46