Tidlegare gjesteforelesninger og seminarer - Side 26

Tid og stad: , Seminar room 1020, Niels Henrik Abels hus
Tid og stad: , Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters (DNVA)

Itziar Aretxaga, Director of the ISYA - International Astronomy Union.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor

Stein Andreas Bethuelsen (Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Stavanger) will give a talk on December 10th at 14:15 in the Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor.

Tid og stad: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

IBV hosts four guest lectures on Marine Evolutionary Genomics on Monday 9 December and Tuesday 10 December

Tid og stad: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

IBV hosts four guest lectures on Marine Evolutionary Genomics on Monday 9 December and Tuesday 10 December

Tid og stad: , Origo, the Physics building

By Elin Melby from Inven2, and Prof. Ørjan G. Martinsen from UiO

Tid og stad: , NHA 919

Prof S. Balachandar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida

Title Center for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence and An Improved Point-Particle Approach that Captures Fully-Resolved Physics

Tid og stad: , NHA 108

Zahra Afsar (The University of Sydney, Australia) will give a talk titled: C*-algebras of self-similar actions of groupoids on higher-rank graphs and their equilibrium states

Tid og stad: , Room Loftet, Farmasibygningen

Title: Nanocrystalline formulations and their characterization in drug delivery.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 1119
Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, room 2203A

"The human iPS Cell Proteome in Health & Disease"

Prof. Angus Lamond (Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee)

Tid og stad: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Benjamin Elder, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, UK

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, Bikuben - Nucleus

"Linking cell biology to pathogenesis in a simian model for HIV infection"

Prof. Mark Marsh (Director - MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology University College London)

Tid og stad: , NHA 108

Erik Habbestad (UiO): Asymptotic representation theory of the infinite quantum symmetric group

Floris Elzinga (UiO): Free Monotone Transport for q-Gaussians

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels Hus, Room 1120

Prof. Christa Cuchiero from the Vienna University of Economics and Business will give a Seminar Lecture.

Tid og stad: , Rom 304 (Peisestua), Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk

Vasco Henriques, researcher at Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, UiO

Tid og stad: , Origo

By Dr. Theodossis A.Theodossiou,

Dept. of Radiation Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital.

Tid og stad: , Niels Henrik Abels Hus, Room 1020

Dr. Alexey Rudenko from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine will give a Series of three Lectures.

Tid og stad: , Toppsenteret, CIENS i Forskningsparken

Arktisk Dag ved Universitetet i Oslo arrangeres for fjerde gang 30. oktober. Tema denne gang er "A changing Arctic" - Arktis i endring. Arrangementet begynner kl. 12:00 (registrering fra kl. 11:00) og finner sted på Toppsenteret, CIENS i Forskningsparken. Kl. 16:00 blir det networking session/poster session og tapas.  Se nedenfor for mer informasjon (på engelsk), program for dagen og påmelding.

Tid og stad: , Room 3508, The Kristine Bonnevie building

Lectures on: "Harnessing natural diversity to discover the rules of flower color evolution" and "Possible bias toward micro- and macroevolutionary conservation by developmental systems"