Impact breakfast: Future of Medicine

Meet four of our scientists presenting their latest research.

grafisk desing, dna


08:00-08:30: Registration and breakfast


08:30-08:35: Opening by Tobias Dahl, SINTEF /UiO


08:35-08:50: Frøydis Sved Skottvoll, UiO: TBA
08:50-09:05: Ørjan Grøttem Martinsen, UiO: Smart sensor for low blood sugar


09:20-09:35: Ole Christian Lingjærde, UiO and Mads H. Haugen, OUH:
A molecular biomarker predicting treatment response in breast cancer

10:00: Finish

Due to Covid-19 the number of participants are limited. First come, first served. 

The meetings are organized by University of Oslo and Oslo Science Park, and is held in Forskningsparken – Oslo Science Park. 


Publisert 22. sep. 2020 11:01 - Sist endra 30. aug. 2021 14:48