Tidlegare konferanser - Side 4

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Auditorium 1

The 4th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics

Tid og stad: , University of Oslo

A winter workshop in numerical methods for PDEs on the occasion of Ragnar Winther’s 70th birthday

Tid og stad: , Scandic Holmenkollen Park

The 1st Annual Meeting of the Nordic POP consortium will be held in Oslo in January 2019.

Tid og stad: , Room 108, N.H. Abel's Building, UiO

Connes' embedding problem is one of the long standing open problems in Operator Algebras. Since it was raised in 1976, several equivalent formulations, seemingly unrelated to it, have been found, also in other areas of mathematics. In particular, it is equivalent to the (weak) Tsirelson problem in Quantum Information Theory

The aim of the winter school is to upgrade the knowledge of all operator algebraists at NTNU and UiO, in particular master and PhD students, on these important topics and to review some of the recent developments.  

This course is a part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation (earlier called the Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.    


Tid og stad: , University of Oslo

A conference in algebraic geometry on the occasion of Geir Ellingsrud’s 70th birthday

Tid og stad: , Clarion Collection Hotel Gabelshus
We are happy to invite you to the conference "Mapping problems and Complex manifolds in projective spaces" in Oslo from 3 to 7 December 2018. This conference is an opportunity for researchers in active and interacting fields of several complex variables, complex dynamics and holomorphic/algebraic curves to discuss about new achievements and current topics of interest. We concentrate in particular in topics such as foliations, embedding of curves in affine spaces and related topics in moduli spaces, Andersen - Lempert theory, Oka theory, and complex dynamics.  
The venue for the conference is Clarion Collection Hotel Gabelshus, at the address: Gabels gate 16, 0272 Oslo. It is a beautiful hotel in the centre of Oslo. 
Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes hus and Sophus Bugges hus

From the Womb to the Grave - Life-course Pharmacoepidemiology

Tid og stad: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, auditorium 3

Årets BIO-konferanse handler om biologisk kommunikasjon.

Tid og stad: , Blindern

Noncommutative geometry aims to use geometric insight in studying phenomena that are beyond the reach of classical geometry and analysis, using functional analysis and algebra as primary rigorous tools. Over the years it has been applied to a variety of problems, from index theory for foliations, to the Novikov conjecture, quantum Hall effect, standard model, analysis on quantum groups, and many more. The goal of the one-day seminar is to use the opportunity provided by the visit of Adam Rennie from Australia to report on recent advances in the area. Another goal is to strengthen ties between the operator algebra groups in Oslo and Trondheim.

The seminar is part of the project "Pure Mathematics in Norway, 2018-2022", supported by the Trond Mohn Stiftelse (earlier called Bergen Research Foundation) and the Tromsø Research Foundation.     

Tid og stad: , Longyearbyen, Svalbard

Norsk Informatikkonferanse (NIK) har sitt 30-års jubileum i 2018 og vi markerer dette ved å holde NIKT2018 på Svalbard.

Tid og stad: , DNVA, Drammensveien 78, Oslo

This international symposium will focus on selected current concepts, challenges and methodologies in Infection Biology and Biomedicine.

Tid og stad: , Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway.

Nordfjordeid Summer school 2018


University of Oslo, Departement of Mathematics, 29-30 May 2018

Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 2

Further details see 

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Auditorium 2

This is the third and last lecture by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lecture.

Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Auditorium 4

This is the second in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.

Tid og stad: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' House, Auditorium 2

This is the first in a series of three lectures by Anders C. Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on this topic. Vegard Antun (UiO) will also contribute to the lectures.

Added June 06: Slides from the lectures are now available here.

Tid og stad: , Auditorium Simula, Institutt for informatikk, UiO

Resultater fra FIGI-prosjektet 2014-18

FIGI-prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom Institutt for Informatikk (UiO) og Helse Sør-Øst. Det har utforsket samspillet mellom tungvekts- og lettvekts-IT, fra et praktisk og teoretisk perspektiv. Det mest vellykkede eksempelet er Sykehuset på Kalnes i Østfold, som nylig er klassifisert på nivå 6 i HIMMS.

Tid og stad: , Auditorium 2 of the science library building Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

The third Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics

The winter school, which takes place in Oslo from 22.-26. January 2018 and which is supported by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education in connection with a Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation in mathematical education, brings together students and researchers from Ukraine (National Technical University of Ukraine, "Igor Sikorski Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa and Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod) and Norway (University of Oslo).

The talks and mini-courses given at the winter school, which is attended by 40 invited participants, pertain to topics in stochastic analysis, probability theory and related fields.

Further, presentations are also devoted to the issue of training and preparation of students for mathematical olympiads and other international competitions in mathematics.

Tid og stad: , Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica, UiO

On the occasion of Professor Sylvia Richardson, University of Cambridge, receiving a Honorary Doctorate from the University of Oslo, we arrange a workshop in her honour. Please join us in the celebration of Sylvia and the statistics community at the University of Oslo, with presentations of some of the ongoing statistical research in the life sciences at our university!

Tid og stad: , Svolvær, Lofoten

The Abel symposium 2017

Tid og stad: , Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna

On 4-6 July 2017, the second conference on the mathematics of energy markets will take place at the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) in Vienna, Austria. The conference is an activity within the thematic program "Mathematics for Risk in Finance and Energy" at the WPI. 

We welcome participants from academia and industry to take part in this event.  

A pre-conference intensive course will be organized on Monday July 3. The course leader will be Professor Almut Veraart, who will give a course on Ambit stochastics with applications to commodity markets. See here for more details on the intensive course.


Tid og stad: , NH Abel's hus, room U26

This is the second of two lectures by Anders Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on  Foundational Computational Problems in l^1 and Total Variation Regularisation.