The Christmas symposium 2023

Christmas market in Kiel at night with bright lights

Christmas market in Kiel at night

Monday 4th December

10:15-11:00 Check-in, we meet on the dock at 10:15, Filipstadveien 25, 0250 Oslo

Find your way to the conference room

PHAB PI Forum, chair: Justin Tonti-Filippini

11:00-11:30 Trond Torsvik, The state of the kingdom

11:30-11:45 Stephanie Werner, Going back to the moon

11:45-12:00 Anne Hope Jahren, Origin of Life

12:00-12:15 Carmen Gaina, Earth tectonics before plate tectonics: Lessons from Modern Earth

12:15-12:30 Coffee break

Status report

12:30-13:00 Anne Davis & Sarah Figowy, HIDDEN

13:00-13:15 Annique van der Boon, PANDA

13:30-14:30 Lunch buffet including 1 mineralwater and check-in to the lugars.

Restaurant Grand Buffet, deck 6

Status reports continued, chair: Trond Torsvik

14:30-14:45 Mat Domeier, EPIC

14:45-15:15 Yutong Shan & Elena Mamonova, Exo-earths

15:15-15:45 Coffee break

New ideas, chair: Stephanie Werner

15:45-16:00 Agata Krzesinska, OSLO

16:00-16:15 Ágnes Király, DYNAMICE

16:15-16:30 Sara Callegrao, DEGAS

16:30-16:45 Pavel Dubrovine, NorSpot

16:45-17:00 Coffee break

Chair: Carmen Gaina

Emeritus report

17:00-17:15 Torgeir B. Andersen, Scotland revisited

PHABulous Oslo Experience

17:15-17:45 Morgan, Paul, Elizabeth & Madeleine, Habitability beyond Oslo?

17:45-18:00 Trond Torsvik, Closing remarks

20:15 Dinner, set menu including 2 drinks (beer/wine/mineralwater)

Oceanic à la Carte Restaurant, deck 6

Tuesday 5th December

07:00-09:45 Breakfast

Restaurant Grand Buffet, deck 6

10:00-13:45 Time in Kiel

There will be several christmas markets in Kiel with possibilities to buy lunch

18:30-19:50 Tables in Show Lounge, incl. 1 drink

20:00 Christmas buffet, incl. 2 drinks

Restaurant Grand Buffet, deck 6

Wednesday 6th December

07:00-09:45 Breakfast

Restaurant Grand Buffet, deck 6

10:00 Arrival in Oslo


This is a closed event

Published Oct. 2, 2023 1:40 PM - Last modified Dec. 1, 2023 1:03 PM