Brian A. Schubert

Brian is an adjunct Professor (Prof. II) who joined PHAB in September 2023 to study planetary habitability, paleoclimatology, and atmosphere evolution across deep-time and modern timescales.

Image may contain: Tie, Clothing, Forehead, Smile, Glasses.

In addition to joining PHAB, Brian is also a Professor in the School of Geosciences at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (USA) where he oversees the Stable Isotope Laboratory. His past research includes field studies (e.g., Alaska, USA; Canada; Ireland; Norway; Siberia); empirical modeling studies to develop new paleoclimate proxies; laboratory studies to describe the effect of atmospheric CO2 on the carbon isotope value of plant tissue for the purpose of determining atmospheric CO2 levels across hundreds of millions of years of Earth history; and field and laboratory studies on long-term microbial survival and potential habitability on Earth and beyond.

Published Sep. 28, 2023 10:23 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2023 10:23 AM