ALMA-SOL-IMG Workshop 2

Second International Workshop on Solar Imaging with ALMA - ALMA-SOL-IMG2.


We are pleased to announce the Second International Workshop on Solar Imaging with ALMA, to take place on November 3-5, 2021. Building on the first workshop, held in 2020, this workshop will continue to develop best practices in data calibration and will address several advanced topics, including the combination of single dish and interferometric data, problems raised by the use of a heterogeneous array, observations of the solar limb, and time domain challenges. The workshop will be fully virtual with daily online presentations and discussions.
While this workshop is primarily directed towards experienced users who have actively worked on processing and analyzing solar observations with ALMA, anyone who is interested in learning how to effectively process solar data is encouraged to participate. 


  • Experience with processing solar ALMA data
  • Combination of INT and SD data (TPVIS/SDINT)
  • Primary beam correction for heterogeneous array
  • Limb observations
  • Time domain and alignment 
  • Observing mode development

Workshop schedule

Given the large differences in time zones of the expected participants, we plan to limit the online sessions to two hours (13:00-15:00UT) during the workshop days. The aim is to use the online sessions for discussions based on the presentations and related posters. The last workshop day will also address priorities for future observing and processing capabilities.

Time (UT) Topic Speaker Duration
Wednesday, November 3
13:00-13:05 Welcome Sven Wedemeyer 5min
Session 1 - Processing solar ALMA data 
13:05-13:20 Brief introduction into solar observing with ALMA Sven Wedemeyer 12min + 3min
13:20-13:35 Experience with data calibration Miroslav Barta 12min + 3min
13:35-13:50 Experience with data processing Aleksander Nindos 12min + 3min
13:50-14:05 The Solar ALMA Pipeline (SoAP) Mikolaj Szydlarski 12min + 3min
14:05-14:15 Break 10min
14:15-14:30 General discussion for session 1 15min
Session 2 - Primary beam correction for heterogeneous array
14:30-14:45 Primary beam correction for heterogeneous array Stephen White 15min
14:45-15:00 General discussion for session 2 15min
Thursday, November 4
Session 3 - Combination of INT and SD data and limb observations
13:00-13:05 Welcome to Day 2  Sven Wedemeyer 5min
13:05-13:25 Combination of INT and SD data and limb observations Tim Bastian 20min
13:25-13:45 Discussion on INT/SD 20min
Session 4 - Time domain - data sets and comparison to other observations  
13:45-14:00 Experience with data processing of time series and analysis in comparison with other wavelengths Kevin Reardon 12min + 3min
14:00-14:05 Break   5min
14:05-14:13 Co-alignment with other observations Juan Camilo Guevara Gomez 5min+ 3min
14:13-14:23 Potential uncertainties in imaging Henrik Eklund 7min + 3min
14:23-14:40 SALSA/SALAT and examples of data sets Vasco Henriques/ Shahin Jafarzadeh 12min + 5min
14:40-15:00 Discussion on time domain and co-alignment 20min
Friday, November 5
Poster presentations
13:00-13:05 Welcome to Day 3 Sven Wedemeyer 5min
13:05- 13:10 Modeling of sunspot umbral oscillations in sub-bands of ALMA band 3 Yi Chai 3min + 2min
13:10-13:15 Physics of Coronal Emissions Antony Soosaleon 3min + 2min
Session 5 - Future observing and processing capabilities
13:20-13:45 Future observing and processing capabilities Masumi Shimojo 20min
13:45-14:15 Discussion of future capabilities 30min
14:15-14:20 Break 5min
Session 6 - General discussion 
14:20-14:50 Workshop summary and general discussion (Presentation with bullet point from prev. sessions 30min
14:50-15:00 Workshop closure Sven Wedemeyer 10min

Poster contributions

Scientific organizing committee (SOC) 

(In alphabetical order)

Miroslav Barta (CAS)

Tim Bastian (NRAO)

Masumi Shimojo (NAOJ)

Sven Wedemeyer (UiO)

Stephen White (AFRL)

Published Aug. 30, 2021 12:29 PM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2021 1:03 PM