Solar Lunch meeting n.5 - autumn semester

We invite you to our last lunch meeting this year - the December RoCS Solar/Stellar Lunch. You are invited to discuss your work with colleagues.


Short presentations of recently accepted publications

Please let me know if you have a publication that got accepted since the last meeting. In that case, please send me (and Eyrun as cc) the title, author list and if possible a link (e.g., astro-ph).

Please try to highlight the essence of the paper rather than trying to mention all content:

  • Start with a one-minute pitch (“the long elevator talk”) containing your key message.
  • The presentations should have an overall duration of ~5min.
  • Focus on the most important aspects that set that key message into context.

Work in Progress

Please use this opportunity to share your work with your colleagues at RoCS. This is a great arena for getting feedback, getting help and possibly even starting internal collaborations!

This is a very informal meeting and informal presentations (of whatever form) are welcome.

These meetings - and I cannot stress that enough - are a great opportunity for all PhD students and post-docs to train their presentation skills with the “safety net at home”. So please let me know asap if you can / want to present something. Anything from 1min to 30min would work.

Please let me know if you have suggestions for further items.


Published Sep. 28, 2020 11:20 AM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2020 11:20 AM