Solar Lunch meeting n.3 - autumn semester

We invite you to a lunch meeting where we will focus on new RoCS publications, possible future data collaborations and input to ITA's strategy 2020-2030. You are welcome to join us in person or by Zoom.


Short presentations of recently accepted publications 

Please let me know if you have a publication that got accepted since the last meeting. In that case, please send me (and Eyrun as cc) the title, author list and if possible a link (e.g., astro-ph).

Tips to holding a short presentation

  • Highlight the essence of the paper rather than trying to mention all content.
  • Start with a one-minute pitch (“the long elevator talk”) containing your key message.
  • The presentations should have an overall duration of ~5min, which means that one has to focus on the most important aspects that set that key message into context.

Data for collaborations across RoCS 

As a result of the actions dicussed during the workshop at the Retreat, we would like to open the discussion about how we can better provide data to each other that enhance our scientific collaboration and output at RoCS. We would like to discuss the following: 

  • Which (Bifrost) simulations would you like to see produced? From what would your research benefit most? 
  • Likewise, which observations (SST/IRIS/ALMA…) would you like to have access to? From what would your research benefit most? 

We will see then what can be realistically produced and what to prioritize. 

ITA strategic plan 2020 - 2030 

We would like to remind you that everybody received an e-mail from Per (on September 23) in which he asked for input until end of October. While some of you may have done so already, we would like to shortly discuss how to possibly organise this, i.e. if you want to first form discussion groups and/or have feedback to be send to Per directly.  

Published Sep. 28, 2020 11:11 AM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2020 6:54 PM