RoCS' annual report 2018 is out!

The first annual report of the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (RoCS) is now available! Discover the vision and the scientific programme, the activities and the achievements done by all the people working at RoCS.

From left to right: Boris Gudiksen (PI), Sven Wedemeyer (PI), Mats Carlsson (director), Viggo Hansteen (PI) and Luc Rouppe van der Voort (PI). Photo: ITA/UiO/Anna Kathinka D. Evans.

Take a journey trough the first year of one of the 10 centres of excellence selected by the Research Council of Norway in the fourth round of the centres of excellence scheme.

The process towards establishing a Centre of Excellence is long and full of hard work 

says prof. Mats Carlsson, the director of RoCS, in his introduction to the report with some background from how the centre came into realisation.

Throughout the application process, started in Autumn 2015, up to the starting date, November 1st 2017, and this first year of ramping up, lots of persons have been involved – the current RoCS team, the leadership, administrative staff and technical staff of the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, support personnel at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the University of Oslo. 

acknowledges Carlsson.

In 2018 the ramp-up of activities continued: many new and ongoing research projects, prestigious grants awarded and new, both young and experienced researchers joining the centre from all over the world!

Discover more: read the RoCS annual report 2018!



By Martina D'Angelo
Published Apr. 2, 2019 3:37 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2021 10:49 AM