RoCS' latest publications

Four publications from RoCS have recently been accepted for publication. Rebecca Robinson, Luc Rouppe van der Voort, Carlos José Díaz Baso and Sneha Pandit presents their latest findings.

Four scientists

The four scientists from RoCS - Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics. From top left to bottom right: Sneha Pandit, Carlos José Díaz Baso, Luc Rouppe van der Vert and Rebecca Robinson. Photo: UiO

Title of the publication

Quiet Sun flux rope formation via incomplete Taylor relaxation

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Rebecca A. Robinson

Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • Mats Carlsson
  • Guillaume Aulanier

Short summary by the author

Low-altitude twisted magnetic fields may be relevant to atmospheric heating in the quiet Sun, but the exact role, topology, and formation of these twisted fields remains to be studied. We investigate the formation and evolution of a preflare flux rope in a stratified, 3D MHD simulation. One puzzle is that this modelled flux rope does not form by the usual mechanisms at work in larger flares such as flux emergence, flux cancellation, or tether-cutting. Using Lagrangian markers to trace representative field lines, we follow the spatiotemporal evolution of the flux rope. We isolate flux bundles associated with reconnecting field line pairs by focusing on thin current sheets within the flux system. We also analyze the time-varying distribution of the force-free parameter as the rope relaxes. Lastly, we compare different seeding methods for magnetic fields and discuss their relevance. We show that the modeled flux rope is gradually built from coalescing, current-carrying flux tubes. This occurs through a series of component reconnections that are driven by flows in the underlying convection zone. These reconnections lead to an inverse cascade of helicity from small to larger scales. We also find that the system attempts to relax toward a linear force-free field, but that the convective drivers and eventual nanoflare prevent full relaxation. Using a self-consistently driven simulation of a nanoflare event, we show for the first time an inverse helicity cascade tending toward a Taylor relaxation in the Sun's corona, resulting in a well-ordered flux rope that later reconnects with surrounding fields. This provides clues toward understanding the buildup of nanoflare events in the quiet Sun through incomplete Taylor relaxations when no flux emergence or cancellation is observed.

Title of the publication

Ultra-high resolution observations of plasmoid-mediated magnetic reconnection in the deep solar atmosphere

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Luc Rouppe van der Voort

Position: Professor

Short summary by the author

Magnetic reconnection in the deep solar atmosphere can give rise to enhanced emission in the Balmer hydrogen lines, a phenomenon referred to as Ellerman bombs. To effectively trace magnetic reconnection below the canopy of chromospheric fibrils, we analyzed unique spectroscopic observations of Ellerman bombs in the H-alpha line. We analyzed a 10 min dataset of a young emerging active region observed with the prototype of the Microlensed Hyperspectral Imager (MiHI) at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST). The MiHI instrument is an integral field spectrograph that is capable of achieving simultaneous ultra-high resolution in the spatial, temporal and spectral domains. With the combination of the SST adaptive optics system and image restoration techniques, MiHI can deliver diffraction limited observations if the atmospheric seeing conditions allow. The dataset samples the H-alpha line over 4.5 A with 10 mA/pix, with 0.065"/pix over a field of view of 8.6" x 7.7", and at a temporal cadence of 1.33s. This constitutes a hyperspectral data cube that measures 132 x 118 spatial pixels, 456 spectral pixels, and 455 time steps. There were multiple sites with Ellerman bomb activity associated with strong magnetic flux emergence. The Ellerman bomb activity is very dynamic, showing rapid variability and small-scale substructure. We found a number of plasmoid-like blobs with full-width-half-maximum sizes between 0.1" - 0.4" and moving with apparent velocities between 14 and 77 km/s. Some of these blobs have Ellerman bomb spectral profiles with a single peak at a Doppler offset between 47 and 57 km/s. Our observations support the idea that fast magnetic reconnection in Ellerman bombs is mediated by the formation of plasmoids. These MiHI observations demonstrate that a micro-lens based integral field spectrograph is capable of probing fundamental physical processes in the solar atmosphere.

Title of the publication

Designing wavelength sampling for Fabry-Pérot observations. Information-based spectral sampling

Publication:  Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Carlos José Díaz Baso

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • Luc Rouppe van der Voort

Short summary by the author:

Fabry-Pérot interferometers (FPIs) have become very popular in solar observations because they offer a balance between cadence, spatial resolution, and spectral resolution through a careful design of the spectral sampling scheme according to the observational requirements of a given target. However, an efficient balance requires knowledge of the expected target conditions, the properties of the chosen spectral line, and the instrumental characteristics. Our aim is to find a method that allows finding the optimal spectral sampling of FPI observations in a given spectral region. In this study, we propose a technique based on a sequential selection approach where a neural network is used to predict the spectrum (or physical quantities, if the model is known) from the information at a few points. Only those points that contain relevant information and improve the model prediction are included in the sampling scheme. The method adapts the separation of the points according to the spectral resolution of the instrument, the typical broadening of the spectral shape, and the typical Doppler velocities. The experiments using the CaII 8542 A line show that the resulting wavelength scheme naturally places more points in the core than in the wings, consistent with the sensitivity of the spectral line at each wavelength interval. The method can also be used as an accurate interpolator, to improve the inference of the magnetic field when using the weak-field approximation. Overall, this method offers an objective approach for designing new instrumentation or observing proposals with customized configurations for specific targets. This is particularly relevant when studying highly dynamic events in the solar atmosphere with a cadence that preserves spectral coherence without sacrificing much information.

Title of the publication

Comparison of chromospheric diagnostics in a 3D model atmosphere: Hα linewidth and mm continua

Publication:  Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Sneha Pandit

Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • Sven Wedemeyer

  • Mats Carlsson

  • Mikołaj Szydlarski

Short summary by the author

The Ha line, one of the most studied chromospheric diagnostics, is a tracer for magnetic field structures, while its line core intensity provides an estimate of the mass density. The brightness temperatures from Atacama Large Millimetre-submm Array (ALMA) observations provide a complementary view of the activity and the thermal structure of stellar atmospheres. These two diagnostics together can provide insights into the physical properties of stellar atmospheres. In this paper, we present a comparative study between synthetic continuum brightness temperature maps for mm wavelengths (0.3 mm to 8.5 mm) and the width of the Ha 6565Å line. The 3D radiative transfer codes Multi3D and Advanced Radiative Transfer (ART) are used to calculate synthetic spectra for the Ha line and the mm continua respectively, from an enhanced network atmosphere model with non-equilibrium hydrogen ionisation generated with the state-of-the-art 3D rMHD code Bifrost. We use Gaussian Point Spread Function (PSF) for simulating the effect of ALMA's limited spatial resolution and calculate the Ha vs. mm continuum correlations and slopes of scatter plots for the original and degraded resolution of the whole box, quiet sun and enhanced network patches separately. The Ha linewidth and mm brightness temperatures are highly correlated and the correlation is highest at a wavelength 0.8 mm i.e. ALMA Band 7. The correlation increases with decreased resolution. On the other hand, the slopes decrease with increasing wavelength. The degradation of resolution does not have a significant impact on the calculated slopes. With decreasing spatial resolution the standard deviations of the observables, Ha linewidth and brightness temperatures decrease and the correlations between them increase, but the slopes do not change significantly. Hence, these relations may prove useful to calibrate the mm continuum maps observed with ALMA.

Tags: Solar Physics By Eyrun Thune
Published Apr. 14, 2023 12:52 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2023 1:39 PM