RoCS' latest publications

RoCS's scientists have published six papers during the summer months. 

Six young scientists

From left to right: Avijeet Prasad, Helle Bakke, Thore Espedal Moe, Øystein Håvard Færder, Nicolas Poirier and Kilian Krikova are  Postdoctoral fellows and Doctoral research fellows at RoCS - Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics.  Photo: UiO

Title of the publication

Accelerated particle beams in a 3D simulation of the quiet Sun. Lower atmospheric spectral diagnostics

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Helle Bakke

Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • Lars Frogner
  • Luc Rouppe van der Voort
  • Boris V. Gudiksen,
  • Mats Carlsson

Short summary by the author

Nanoflare heating through small-scale magnetic reconnection events is one of the prime candidates to explain heating of the solar corona. However, direct signatures of nanoflares are difficult to determine, and unambiguous observational evidence is still lacking. Numerical models that include accelerated electrons and can reproduce flaring conditions are essential in understanding how low-energetic events act as a heating mechanism of the corona, and how such events are able to produce signatures in the spectral lines that can be detected through observations. We investigate the effects of accelerated electrons in synthetic spectra from a 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamics simulation to better understand small-scale heating events and their impact on the solar atmosphere. We synthesised the chromospheric Ca II and Mg II lines and the transition region Si IV resonance lines from a quiet Sun numerical simulation that includes accelerated electrons. We calculated the contribution function to the intensity to better understand how the lines are formed, and what factors are contributing to the detailed shape of the spectral profiles. The synthetic spectra are highly affected by variations in temperature and vertical velocity. Beam heating exceeds conductive heating at the heights where the spectral lines form, indicating that the electrons should contribute to the heating of the lower atmosphere and hence affect the line profiles. However, we find that it is difficult to determine specific signatures from the non-thermal electrons due to the complexity of the atmospheric response to the heating in combination with the relatively low energy output (~1e21 erg/s). Even so, our results contribute to understanding small-scale heating events in the solar atmosphere, and give further guidance to future observations.

Title of the publication

A comparative study of resistivity models for simulations of magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Øystein Håvard Færder

Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • Daniel Nóbrega-Siverio
  • Mats Carlsson

Short summary by the author

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental mechanism in astrophysics. A common challenge in mimicking this process numerically in particular for the Sun is that the solar electrical resistivity is small compared to the diffusive effects caused by the discrete nature of codes. We aim to study different anomalous resistivity models and their respective effects on simulations related to magnetic reconnection in the Sun. We used the Bifrost code to perform a 2D numerical reconnection experiment in the corona that is driven by converging opposite polarities at the solar surface. This experiment was run with three different commonly used resistivity models: 1) the hyper-diffusion model originally implemented in Bifrost, 2) a resistivity proportional to the current density, and 3) a resistivity proportional to the square of the electron drift velocity. The study was complemented with a 1D experiment of a Harris current sheet with the same resistivity models. The 2D experiment shows that the three resistivity models are capable of producing results in satisfactory agreement with each other in terms of the current sheet length, inflow velocity, and Poynting influx. Even though Petschek-like reconnection occurred with the current density-proportional resistivity while the other two cases mainly followed plasmoid-mediated reconnection, the large-scale evolution of thermodynamical quantities such as temperature and density are quite similar between the three cases. For the 1D experiment, some recalibration of the diffusion parameters is needed to obtain comparable results. Specifically the hyper-diffusion and the drift velocity-dependent resistivity model needed only minor adjustments, while the current density-proportional model needed a rescaling of several orders of magnitude.

Title of the publication

Shape-based clustering of synthetic Stokes profiles using k-means and k-Shape

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Thore Espedal Moe

Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • Tiago M. D. Pereira

Short summary by the author

The shapes of Stokes profiles contain much information about the atmospheric conditions that produced them. However, a variety of different atmospheric structures can produce very similar profiles. Thus, it is important for proper interpretation of observations to have a good understanding of how the shapes of Stokes profiles depend on the underlying atmosphere. An excellent tool in this regard is forward modeling, i.e. computing and studying synthetic spectra from realistic simulations of the solar atmosphere. Modern simulations routinely produce several hundred thousand spectral profiles per snapshot. With such numbers, it becomes necessary to use automated procedures in order to organize the profiles according to their shape. Here we illustrate the use of two complementary methods, k-means and k-Shape, to cluster similarly shaped profiles, and demonstrate how the resulting clusters can be combined with knowledge of the simulation's atmosphere to interpret spectral shapes. We generate synthetic Stokes profiles for the Ca II 854.2 nm line using the Multi3D code from a Bifrost simulation snapshot. We then apply the k-means and k-Shape clustering techniques to group the profiles together according to their shape. We show and compare the classes of profile shapes we retrieve from applying both k-means and k-Shape to our synthetic intensity spectra. We then show the structure of the underlying atmosphere for two particular classes of profile shapes retrieved by the clustering, and demonstrate how this leads to an interpretation for the formation of those profile shapes. Furthermore, we apply both methods to the subset of our profiles containing the strongest Stokes V signals, and demonstrate how k-Shape can be qualitatively better than k-means at retrieving complex profile shapes when using a small number of clusters.

Title of the publication

Formation of Hε in the solar atmosphere

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Kilian Krikova 

Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

  • T. M. D. Pereira
  • L. H. M. Rouppe van der Voort  

Short summary by the author

We aim to understand how Hepsilon is formed in the quiet Sun. In particular, we consider the particular physical mechanism that sets its source function and extinction, how it is formed in different solar structures, and why it is sometimes observed in emission. Methods. We used a 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation that accounts for non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization, run with the Bifrost code. To synthesize Hepsilon and Ca II H spectra, we made use of the RH code, which was modified to take into account the non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization. To determine the dominant terms in the Hϵ source function, we adopted a multi-level description of the source function. Using synthetic spectra and simulation, we studied the contribution function to the relative line absorption or emission and compared it with atmospheric quantities at different locations. Results. Our multi-level source function description suggests that the Hϵ source function is dominated by interlocking, with the dominant interlocking transition being through the ground level, populating the upper level of Hϵ via the Lyman series. This makes the Hϵ source function partly sensitive to temperature. The Hϵ extinction is set by Lyman-α. In some cases, this temperature dependence gives rise to Hϵ emission, indicating heating. High-resolution observations reveal that Hϵ is not just a weak absorption line. Regions with Hϵ in emission are especially interesting to detect small-scale heating events in the lower solar atmosphere, such as Ellerman bombs. Thus, Hϵ can be an important new diagnostic tool for studies of heating in the solar atmosphere, augmenting the diagnostic potential of Ca II H when observed simultaneously.

nd demonstrate how this leads to an interpretation for the formation of those profile shapes. Furthermore, we apply both methods to the subset of our profiles containing the strongest Stokes V signals, and demonstrate how k-Shape can be qualitatively better than k-means at retrieving complex profile shapes when using a small number of clusters.

Title of the publication

Formation of an observed eruptive flux rope above the torus instability threshold through tether-cutting magnetic reconnection

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

1st Author: Avijeet Prasad

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Co-authors from RoCS:

Guillaume Aulanier

Short summary by the author

Erupting magnetic flux ropes (MFRs) play a crucial role in producing solar flares. However, the formation of erupting MFRs in complex coronal magnetic configurations and their subsequent evolution in the flaring events are not fully understood. We performed an MHD simulation of active region NOAA 12241 to understand the formation of a rising MFR during the onset of an M6.9 flare on 2014 December 18, around 21:41 UT. The MHD simulation was initialised with an extrapolated non-force-free magnetic field generated from the photospheric vector magnetogram of the active region taken a few minutes before the flare. The initial magnetic field topology displays a pre-existing sheared arcade enveloping the polarity inversion line. The simulated dynamics exhibit the movement of the oppositely directed legs of the sheared arcade field lines towards each other due to the converging Lorentz force, resulting in the onset of tether-cutting magnetic reconnection that produces an underlying flare arcade and flare ribbons. Concurrently, an MFR above the flare arcade develops inside the sheared arcade and shows a rising motion. The MFR is found to be formed in a torus-unstable region, thereby explaining its eruptive nature. Interestingly, the location and rise of the rope are in good agreement with the corresponding observations seen in EUV channels. Furthermore, the foot points of the simulation's flare arcade match well with the location of the observed parallel ribbons of the flare. The presented simulation supports the development of the MFR by the tether-cutting magnetic reconnection inside the sheared coronal arcade during flare onset. The MFR is then found to extend along the polarity inversion line (PIL) through slip-running reconnection. The MFR's eruptive nature is ascribed both to its formation in the torus-unstable region and also to the runaway tether-cutting reconnection.

Title of the publication

Variability of the slow solar wind: New insights from modelling and PSP-WISPR observations

Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics

Author (1 and 2): Nicolas Poirier 

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Short summary by the author

We analyse the signature and origin of transient structures embedded in the slow solar wind, and observed by the Wide-Field Imager for Parker Solar Probe (WISPR) during its first ten passages close to the Sun. WISPR provides a new in-depth vision on these structures, which have long been speculated to be a remnant of the pinch-off magnetic reconnection occurring at the tip of helmet streamers. We pursued the previous modelling works of Reville (2020b, 2022) that simulate the dynamic release of quasi-periodic density structures into the slow wind through a tearing-induced magnetic reconnection at the tip of helmet streamers. Synthetic WISPR white-light (WL) images are produced using a newly developed advanced forward modelling algorithm that includes an adaptive grid refinement to resolve the smallest transient structures in the simulations. We analysed the aspect and properties of the simulated WL signatures in several case studies that are typical of solar minimum and near-maximum configurations. Quasi-periodic density structures associated with small-scale magnetic flux ropes are formed by tearing-induced magnetic reconnection at the heliospheric current sheet and within 3-7Rs. Their appearance in WL images is greatly affected by the shape of the streamer belt and the presence of pseudo-streamers. The simulations show periodicities on ~90-180min, ~7-10hr and ~25-50hr timescales, which are compatible with WISPR and past observations. This work shows strong evidence for a tearing-induced magnetic reconnection contributing to the long-observed high variability of the slow solar wind.

Tags: Solar Physics By Eyrun Thune
Published Aug. 7, 2023 2:17 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2023 2:17 PM