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RoCS' Annual Report is out

The sixth annual report of the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (RoCS) was published on April 1st. With 61 individuals from 19 different nationalities across three continents, the researchers at this Center of Excellence continue to maintain a high pace.

Research group

On November 1st 2023, RoCS celebrated its 6th anniversary and is thus more than halfway through its 10-year funding as a Center of Excellence. The photo is taken at the annual retreat in May which in 2023 found place at Støtvig hotel. Photo: Reetika Joshi

- Activity has been high throughout 2023, with a record number of PhD candidates finishing and a record number of refereed papers, says the director of RoCS, Mats Carlsson.

The centre is one of the 10 centres of excellence selected by the Research Council of Norway in the fourth round of the centres of excellence scheme.

You can read more about the centre's activities in RoCS annual report 2023 (internal link).

RoCS Annual Report
Every year a new color: Purple front page for the Annual Report of RoCS for 2023. Image: Screenshot
Tags: RoCS, Solar Physics By Eyrun Thune
Published Apr. 3, 2024 11:49 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2024 12:02 PM