Norwegian ALMA Day 2018

Wondering if ALMA could be used for your research? Find our more at the Norwegian ALMA Day 2018, Wednesday, March 21, 2018, at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Oslo.

Ivan Marti-Vidal and Tobia Carozzi from the Nordic ALMA Regional Center (ARC) node in Onsala, Sweden, are going to visit the University of Oslo for a day and will be available for supporting everybody who is interested in observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA).

You do not need to be an expert at all. Maybe ALMA could be interesting for your research without you being aware of its capabilities? 



from 9:45 Coffee & tea, room 304  
10:15 Welcome S. Wedemeyer
10:20 Introduction to ALMA and Nordic ARC T. Carozzi, I. Marti-Vidal
10:50 New Features in ALMA Cycle 6  T. Carozzi, I. Marti-Vidal
11:20 Solar science with ALMA in Norway S. Wedemeyer
11:30 Open discussion  
12:00 Lunch   
13:00 Face-to-face support (room 303).

Discussion about individual research ideas and ALMA's capabilities.

Help with setting up observing proposals. 

17:00 End of ALMA Day 2018  



Room 304/303 at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Svein Rosselands hus (Blindern), UiO  

Message from the Nordic ARC node 

The call for proposals for ALMA Cycle 6 will be announced on March 20. The Nordic ARC node will visit [Norway] on March 21, to provide direct proposal preparation support. After a short presentation on ALMA Cycle 6 capabilities and the support the ARC node offers, we will be available for individual support.

In order to make ALMA accessible to non-experts and astronomers traditionally active in other wavelength regimes, we provide support in all aspects of ALMA projects:

  • Science development: you have an idea, can ALMA do it? What can ALMA do for your science? We will help you explore ALMA for your science!
  • The ALMA Observing Tool (OT): The OT is used for creating and submitting your ALMA project. We will help you with all aspects of the OT, including the technical setup, and the text for the technical justification!
  • Archive research: ALMA data supporting your project may already exist in the archive. We will help you explore and view data from the ALMA archive!
  • ALMA simulator: ALMA simulators allow you to predict in a realistic way what your proposed observations will look like when observed with ALMA, and strengthen your proposal. We will help you simulate your project with the available ALMA simulators!
  • Final check and submission: Submission is by April 19. We will guide your project throughout the proposal period, give it a final check, and guide you through submission!

Support will be provided both through

  • individual, in-office support: an ARC node representative will sit at your desk to work on your proposal, and
  • group-meeting support: an ARC node representative will attend your group meeting on the day of the visit to discuss proposals with you.

If possible, please indicate your interest in meeting with us on March 21st by sending an email to

We look forward to meeting you soon!

With kind regards,
The Nordic ARC node



Sven Wedemeyer
Published May 8, 2019 10:43 AM - Last modified May 13, 2019 11:39 AM