Dr. Fran Supek

Dr. Fran Supek, Group Leader at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain, will present his work on "Mutation clusters in cancer genomes: causes, consequences and opportunities."


Tumor genome sequences present an opportunity to learn about mechanisms causing mutations, usually resulting from disturbances in DNA replication or repair -- a common occurrence in cancers.  Genomics also presents an opportunity of how these mutagenic mechanisms can be better exploited to selectively target cancer cells, improving treatment prospects.  I will describe our statistical methods for detecting somatic mutation clustering , and an application thereof to classify mutation signatures resulting from the APOBEC cytosine deaminases (Mas-Ponte & Supek, Nature Genetics 2020).  Moreover I will describe a combined experimental and genomic study to uncover the unique vulnerability of APOBEC-overexpressing lung cancer cells -- the HMCES DNA protective enzyme -- demonstrating a novel of synthetic lethal relationship (Biayna, ..., Supek* and Stracker*, PLOS Biology 2021).  Finally I will comment on our recent analyses that systematically examined various types of mutation signatures, including APOBEC and many others, as drug sensitivity markers in cancer cell line panels (Levatic, Salvadores, Fuster & Supek, 2021 biorxiv).

Junior talk

Dr. Christian Bope, postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Bioinformatics, University of Oslo, will present his talk about a Mutational Signatures Algorithm.

Zoom connection information

Join Zoom Meeting at https://uio.zoom.us/j/66940771316?pwd=eC9KYWwvTERnenZUTzNFREh2M3lPQT09

Meeting ID: 669 4077 1316    Passcode: 342857

Published Dec. 20, 2021 10:27 AM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2022 10:08 AM