From solar energy to fuel: A holistic artificial photosynthesis platform to produce viable solar fuels



The main objective in REFINE is to develop a disruptive, holistic platform system of artificial photosynthesis located in Europe for the delocalised, sustainable and circular production of green platform chemicals, such as butanol. Key sub-objectives that are perfectly aligned to the expected outcomes as set out in the call description are:

  1. Achieve a sustainable and efficient production platform for solar-derived chemicals with minimised downstream separation needs
  2. Create solar fuel policies and study societal acceptance and risk perceptions of the REFINE approach
  3. Converge the necessary disciplines to solve a multifaceted problem
  4. Provide multi-levelled understanding: from fundamental to applied sciences to deliver a breakthrough system
  5. Strengthen Europe’s energy independence
  6. Perform multi-levelled lifecycle and technoeconomic analyses and modelling of the proposed system to ensure integration with the industrial and societal value chain

This project has received funding from the European Union HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions under grant agreement ID 101122323

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Published Apr. 23, 2024 9:29 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2024 12:43 PM


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