MAHEATT (completed)

MAterials for High Energy Accumulators in Traction and Tools

MAHEATT is a collaborative project under the EC’s 7th Framework Programme (Energy). The project aims to take li-ion batteries to the next level of performance. MAHEATT shall develop prototypes for the next generation of li-ion batteries with a special focus on automotive applications (hybrid vehicles and electric traction) and handheld devices. The project is led by Professor Helmer Fjellvåg.

Project duration: 2009.04.01 - 2012.03.31

Project summary

Better batteries is high on the agenda for both consumers and every type of industry and business. Batteries can be found in a multitude of devices, ranging from small medical units, via mobile phones and other pocket-sized designs, to large devices and even vehicles. 

The main purpose of the MAHEATT (Materials for High Energy Accumulators in Traction and Tools) project is to develop prototypes for the next generation of li-ion batteries with a special focus on automotive applications (hybrid vehicles and electric traction) and handheld devices.

This will be achieved by innovative synthesis and design of radically improved cathode materials and by optimizing kinetics and stability through nanostructuring of all electroactive materials (EAMs) and components.

MAHEATT publishable project summary including illustrations (pdf)


The project is supported and funded by the European Commission, DG Research, under its 7th Framework Programme.


The MAHEATT project is comprised of partners from both research instituitions and the industry. Each partner brings a set of special skills to the project and complement each other, together they will find the solutions to the challenges by integrating advanced characterization, theory, modelling, synthesis and up-scaling. Together, they plan to make today's li-ion batteries yesterday's news.

Published Jan. 20, 2011 11:09 AM - Last modified Feb. 25, 2015 10:44 AM


Professor Helmer Fjellvåg
helmer.fjellvag [@]

Visiting address
Sem Sælandsvei 26, 0371 Oslo (Building 23)
Map (in norwegian)

Postal address
Professor Helmer Fjellvåg
University of Oslo
Dept. of Chemistry
Postboks 1033
Blindern, N - 0315 Oslo

Telephone: +47 228 55446
Fax: +47 228 55441


Detailed list of participants
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