Norwegian version of this page

Stack technology for ceramic proton conductors (StackPro) (completed)

This project will develop stack technology needed to develop electrolysers and fuel cells; metallic interconnects, sealants and housing compatible with the new electrolytes and their associated new electrodes. This will take hydrogen fuel cells one step closer to commercial applications.

About the project

High temperature ceramic proton conductors (HTPC) are in principle superior to PEM and standard SOFC conductors for use in steam electrolysers and hydrogen fuel cells because of the water-free transport of protons; the steam used or formed is associated with the oxygen/air side, and thus, dry hydrogen is formed or consumed. This simplifies the system and improves efficiency.

The project is based on a Norwegian patent of a new class of HTPC; accceptor doped rare earth niobates and tantalates, that are chemically stable due to non-basicity and mechanically robust due to ferroelasticity. In complement to other projects, this will develop stack technology needed to develop electrolysers and fuel cells; metallic interconnects, sealants and housing compatible with the new electrolytes and their associated new electrodes.


The primary objective is to establish technology for stacks for steam electrolysers and fuel cells for hydrogen based on novel ceramic pure proton conductors developed by Norwegian partners.

Subgoals comprise

  • Identification and optimisation of metallic interconnects, compatible with the novel electrolyte, and their coatings for corrosion protecion and contacting
  • Identification of suitable sealant compatible with the novel electrolyte and the metallic interconnect
  • Design and fabrication of a small demostack, with at least two cells, that is demonstrated as an electrolyser and a fuel cell
  • Convey results to Norwegian startups pursuing the new technology
  • Education of 2 PhD (UiO+NTNU) in proton conducting ceramic electrolyser and fuel cell technologies


The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway, through the RENERGI programme.


The project involves groups at UiO, NTNU, and SINTEF, and educates 2 PhD candidates.

Published Feb. 24, 2011 4:36 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2023 2:39 PM


Project leader

Truls Eivind Norby



  • Truls Norby University of Oslo
  • Reidar Haugsrud University of Oslo
  • Agnieszka A Gorzkowska-Sobas University of Oslo
  • Anders Werner Bredvei Skilbred University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants