
Here we have suggested some resources and literature that can support you in a good kick-off on your research project in addition to introducing some tools that can help you develop your career planning strategies and -mindset.

Data management

Good research data management is increasingly important to researchers in all disciplines and plays an essential role in Open Science to make the data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). Therefore, it is important that you get a good understanding of why a data management plan is so important, and the tools and know-how on how to start one.

Good data management practices can also help you save time by reflecting on IF you need to collect new data, and if so, WHAT type(s) of data will be collected and HOW, WHERE and WHEN it will be collected. Another time saving aspect is good data organization and documentation strategies that can help make the collected data more easily retrievable for yourself and others. 



Introduction to career learning

A PhD education is a jumping board to a broad selection of career paths but many early career researchers struggle to see the full extent of their career opportunities. Here you find some resources that can help you start developing your career planning techniques and a strategic career development mindset.

