PhD programme seminar

The PhD programme seminar is a two-day seminar for all new PhD candidates enrolled in the PhD programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


Networking is important both within academic research and in other careers. It is also important to meet and discuss how it is to be a PhD candidate with others that are in the same situation. The PhD programme seminar is a great place to meet and network with your peers. One of your fellow PhD candidates may be a future colleague or the one you need to hire. 

Generic skills and communication

Discuss good strategies for managing both your relationship to your supervisors and your project. Find a strategy to receive feedback that is constructive for you. Learn practical strategies for building mental strength and resilience. Find out what the MN Faculty offers on career development for young researchers and how generic skills will be important in your future career.

Image may contain: Projection screen, Technology, Projector accessory, Electronic device, Event.

Glimpses from the PhD programme seminar in 2020


Upcoming seminar

9:00 AM, Georg Sverdrups hus – University Library - Auditorium 1
