Shell Model Calculations

With excellent teachers from across the world, this course focuses on shell model calculations. Participating students will get a deeper understanding of the nuclear shell model and will learn how to do their own shell model calculations using codes like KShell.

Course content

26/11-07/12 2018, Stellenbosch University, Merensky building, Room Delta, NARGA

To pass the course it is necessary to hand in a written report. Details on the report will be presented during lectures. Significant time during the course will be spent on writing the report and doing the necessary calculations.

We focus on active learning and student participation. As well as various learning techniques included in each lecture, participating students will work on their presentation skills. 20 minutes is given for each student presentation on their thesis topic. Ten minutes will be devoted to the presentation and the remaining time will be used for feedback and feed-forward from the other students.


Takaharu Otsuka (University of Tokyo)

W. A. Richter (University of Stellenbosch + iThemba LABS)

A. Macchiavelli (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

Sunniva Siem (University of Oslo)

Cathrine W. Tellefsen (University of Oslo)

In addition to these lecturers there will also be experts helping out on the hands-on sessions. 

The preliminary course schedule is presented below. In addition to lectures, there is also devoted time for cultural experiences. There will be a Saturday excursion and braiis - the South-African term for BBQ.

(Open schedule in separate window)

Published Nov. 5, 2018 4:53 PM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2024 6:10 PM