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Master's degree at the Department of Physics

Image may contain: Lighting, Light, Light fixture, Lighting accessory, Sconce.

Master seminars

Welcome to the master seminars! These seminars are open for all master students affiliated with the Department of Physics, and are organised in cooperation with the Science Library. 

The master seminar series runs parallel to your master studies, and will follow you from your first to your last semester. All the seminars are open to all master students, but the content of each seminar is tailored to fit your needs as you progress from new to experienced master student. Attendance is not compulsory, but is strongly recommended as participating will help you with your master project and thesis writing.

There will be at least one seminar each semester.

Next seminar

9:30 AM, Store fysiske autitorium, Fysikkbygningen

For all new master students at the Department of Physics. You will receive important information about deadlines and structure of your programme, and get to meet your programme coordinator.


, The Physics Building