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Presentations from the 2nd Workshop of TopoScandiaDeep, Karlsruhe, 13-15 October 2009
  1. Welcome , - Joachim Riiter
  2. Update on practical issues, - Valerie Maupin
  3. Why topography in Norway,- Bo Holm Jacobsen
  4. Magnus-Rex and the new refraction Moho map for Southern Norway, - Hans Thybo
  5. SCANLIPS and ToSca-DMT – An update on recent activities, - Jorg Ebbing
  6. OBS data from the Møre basin,- Trond Kvarven
  7. Status of P-residual modelling of Southern Scandinavia, - Bo Holm Jacobsen
  8. Preliminary results from MAGNUS P-wave receiver functions, - Andy Frassetto
  9. Status of S-wave receiver function analysis,- Brita Wawerzinek
  10. MAGNUS and surface waves, - Christian Weidle
  11. Ambient noise cross-correlation: first results from the MAGNUS data,- Andreas Kohler
  12. Preliminary Results of Conductivity in the Central Scandes Plus Some Thoughts about Things that Might be Found in the Lithosphere, - Chris Hieronymus

    Additional material

    Some useful sections and maps from Eucrust model

    The Scandinavian mountains – deep processes, - Valerie Maupin at the Heidelberg TopoEurope meeting

Updated: November 6th, 2009