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Presentations from the kickoff meeting at Haraldvangen; 20-22 January 2009
  1. Welcome to the TopoScandiaDeep – kickoff meeting,- Valerie Maupin
  2. Recent results in Southern Scandinavia, - Niels Balling, Bo Holm Jacobsen and Anna Bondo
  3. Potential field data and 3D modelling, - Jörg Ebbing
  4. SCANLIPS, - Richard England & Jörg Ebbing
  5. Uplift and Subsidence around the North Atlantic, - Hieronymus
  6. Lithosphere as imaged by magnetotellurics: Jämtland-Tröndelag & Fennoscandia, - Toivo Korja & Maxim Smirnov & Laust B. Pedersen
  7. Integration of data from Norwegian Broad-Band stations: Project plans with MAGNUS data, - Tormod Kværna and Johannes Schweitzer
  8. Offshore profiles, - Rolf Mjelde
  9. Modelling the present-day structure of the southern Norwegian lithosphere, - Christophe Pascal
  10. MAGNUS experiment: Overview and Status, - Joachim Ritter & Britta Wawerzinek
  11. Teleseismic observations from the Baltic Shield Lithosphere beneath Sweden, - Roland Roberts
  12. Data and new constraints from Magnus-Rex; W. Stratford, H. Thybo, J. Faleide, O. Olesen & A. Tryggvason
  13. Surface wave tomography of Northern Europe, - Christian Weidle & Valérie Maupin

Updated: February 13th, 2009