Seminar on Gender Balance within the Natural Sciences

The Gender Committee and an active group of female postdocs at the Department of Geosciences invite all interested at the department to a seminar on Gender in the Natural Sciences, and Geosciences in particular.

Bildet kan inneholde: vann, vegetasjon, tekst, naturlige omgivelser, vannforsyning.

See the full agenda for the seminar (pdf).

The main speakers at the seminar are:

Knut Liestøl, former department head at IFI and currently leader of the BALANSE program at NRC, who will give a talk addressing gender, unconscious bias and the academic ideal of meritocracy.

Andrea Popp, Postdoc at GeoHyd/G&G will give a talk based on her paper: "A Global Survey on the Perceptions and Impacts of Gender Inequality in the Earth and Space Sciences". 

Also on the programme: Introduction by Lena M. Tallaksen, Chair of the gender comittee and "Close-out thoughts" by Head of department, Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle. 

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, it will be organized as a hybrid meeting allowing you to take part through zoom as well (link will be circulated later).

You are kindly invited to sign up by filling in a simple form (deadline: 13 October 2020):

Welcome to all interested!


Lena M Tallaksen, Andrea Popp, Emma Michie, and Anne Cathrine Modahl 

Publisert 14. okt. 2020 09:51 - Sist endret 23. okt. 2020 12:13