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Previous events - Page 4

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, Sanger (3213)

Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where we will host a talk by Oda Hovet (PhD candidate, Progida Group, Paulsen Group, EVOGENE, IBV).

Time and place: , 3215 Greenhouse, Blindern

By Assistant Professor Dr. Emiliano Trucchi from the University of Ancona, Italy

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus: Arne Næss auditorium 103

In this symposium, experts from various disciplines will illuminate the impacts of polyploidization. Polyploidization is a process in genetics where an organism acquires more than two complete sets of chromosomes.

Registration is appreciated to count potential attendees.

Time and place: , 121,Floor 1, Haakon Sheteligs plass 7, Bergen

Tired of manually moving files? You want to be able to efficiently analyze data and create fancy plots? You want to learn programming but you do not know where to start? You would like to make your data analysis more reproducible? This is the course for you!

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

PhD candidate Asena Goren at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis 'Exploring the roles of seasonality and demography in tick borne disease dynamics' for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , 3215 Greenhouse, Blindern

By Rosemary Gillespie and George Roderick from the University of California Berkeley, USA

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Helix 2203a

Biological Effects of Organic Coatings on Carbon Black Ultrafine Particles

Time and place: , 3215 Greenhouse, Blindern

By Lucy Gilbert, University of Glasgow, UK

Time and place: , Room 4213, Endosperm

Evogene proudly presents the first rounds of master flash talks for 2024!  Four master students are currently scheduled to give presentations of their work. 


Time and place: , Botanical Museum (Lids hus: lunsjrom K28), Tøyen

Navigating the Shores of Biodiversity: Molecular and Morphological Investigations of Coastal Beetles in the Subfamily Ochthebiinae

Time and place: , Oslo

Are you interested in commercialising your research? This intensive 5-day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to start an R&D company, see your science deployed in the real world and maybe even get rich in the process.


Welcome to the annual Earth Biogenome Project-Norway conference. During this conference, you can participate in workshops and learn how to use bioinformatics tools to efficiently analyze and interpret genome sequencing data, in addition to hearing from renowned researchers who will share their work in biodiversity and genomics.

Time and place: , Greenhouse (room 3215), Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Christy Morrissey from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

PhD candidate Renate Marie Alling at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis 'Environmental and genetic factors affecting endosperm-based post-zygotic hybridization barriers' for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Room 4213, Endosperm

Angiosperm species display a huge variation in the form of their inflorescences, flowers and fruits. This diversity has evolved through modifications in the gene regulatory networks (GRNs), which underlie the development of these structures. To understand how gene evolution brings about the divergence of traits, we focus on the MADS-domain transcription factors, which play important roles in the GRNs that regulate flowering and fruit development. We study how gene regulatory networks can change between species, investigating both the specificity of protein-protein and of DNA-protein interactions, as well as divergence in expression profiles. The main topic of our studies is the MADS-domain transcription factor FRUITFULL (FUL), which has a conserved function in the regulation of flowering time, fruit development and woodiness throughout the angiosperms.

Time and place: , Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78, Oslo

What does it take to create and sustain environments that support the development of high-level research projects? Registration for the event is now closed.

Time and place: , Room 4213, Endosperm

Genetic screens for antibiotic resistance determinants in Staphylococcus aureus using CRISPR interference libraries.

Morten Kjos is Associate Professor at NMBU

Time and place: , Lunch room in Lids hus

Staphylinid Beetle Diversity Patterns in Afrotropical Mountains, with Particular Reference to the genus Megarthrus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, Proteome 3627

By Knut Wiik Vollset, leader of the Bergen Telemetry Group within the Laboratory for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (LFI), NORCE Bergen 

Time and place: , Room 4213, Endosperm

The role of transposon activity in shaping cis-regulatory element evolution after whole genome duplication

Simen Rød Sandve is a Professor in genomics at the Faculty of Biosciences at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 


He will talk about chromatin accessibility, cis-regulatory elements, transposable elements, and whole genome duplication

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Hjort 4512

Kartlegging av makroalger nord i Jomfruland nasjonalpark

Time and place: , DIGS, Krambugata 2 Trondheim

Writing a short pitch is often the best start to any kind of science communication. To help you get on with this, we aim this workshop at defining your message, goal and target audience. But we will also cover some ways to formulate your message clearly and explain why this is so important. This workshop helps you to communicate with your peers, but also with subsidy organizations, policy makers or a wider audience. At the end of the workshop, you’ll have a short pitch about your research.