Ultrasim installation

The program requires Matlab version 4.2 or later and the Signal Processing Toolbox. It also runs under Matlab versions 5 and 6. It will run under UNIX, Windows and Macintosh.

System Installation

It is recommended to install ULTRASIM as a toolbox under the main matlab directory, from now on called MATLABHOME.

ULTRASIM-files must be installed in directories as specified. These directories are:

  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim - Files for setup and startup (directory speci fied by ULTRASIMHOME variable)
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/bp - Files for Calculations, Beam-Pattern menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/coarray - Files for Calculations, Coarray tools menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/config - Files for control of configuration window and menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/doc - Files containing documentation and file header
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/list - Files for generating output of parameters
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/pe - Files for Calculations, 2D Response menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/plot - Files for control of plottool window
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/toolbox - General tools for menus, date etc
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/txt - Files with text string information for use in menus
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/user - Files that the user should copy to his own matlab directory
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/view - Files for View menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/annulus - Files for Calculations, Analys menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/1point5 - Files for farfield beampattern
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/aberra3d - Files for Calculations, Beam Pattern menu when a layered medium is specified
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/aberrati - Files for Calculations, Layers menu
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/optimize - Files for optimization of thinned arrays
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/anneal - Files for optimization of thinning using simulated annealing
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/1point5 - Files for setup of 1.5 D arrays
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/cnf_elec - Setup files for Ultrasim examples
  • MATLABHOME/toolbox/ultrasim/cnf_mech - Setup files files for site-specific examples

These directories will automatically be generated if ``unzip ultrasim.zip'' is run in the directory MATLABHOME/toolbox.

The names of these directories are specified in usiminit.m, which is the only installation-dependent file. There are three lines that need to be edited in this file:

  1. Set ULTRASIMHOME to the directory where you have placed the ultrasim-directories. This directory should be under the toolbox directory of the matlab installation directory, MATLABHOME/toolbox/. Examples can be found in the file.
  2. The local command for text printing should be set in the printercmd variable. This affects the Configuration, List command. Example: printercmd='!print';
  3. On a UNIX system, the local command for on-line display of the documentation (by the Help, User documentation command) should be set in the variable doc_command. Examples:
    	doc_command ='!xdvi';
    	doc_command ='!ghostview';
    	doc_command ='!acroread';

User Installation (UNIX)

The steps a user must undertake to start using Ultrasim are:

  1. Each user must have a path to ULTRASIMHOME. If it is not set globally it can be set in startup.m in the user's matlab directory. An example:
    	p = path;
  2. Each user must have a file userusim.m in his matlab directory (typically: ... user_name/matlab/userusim.m). This file can be copied from the /user directory.
  3. In the userusim.m file the path for result files and configuration files are set by the variable USER_ULTRASIMHOME which typically should be: USER_ULTRASIMHOME='... user_name/matlab/ultrasim';
  4. The directory specified by USER_ULTRASIMHOME and two subdirectories /cnf and /results must be created. The /cnf directory is used as a default location for configuration setup files, and the /results directory is used for storage of results during movie simulations. The /results directory is also used for storage of default parameters for some of the programs.

PC Installation

The path to MATLABHOME\toolbox\ultrasim can be set either in matlabrc.m or in startup.m, e.g. like this: addpath('c:\Program\Matlab\toolbox\ultrasim'); The file userusim.m must be copied from MATLABHOME\toolbox\ultrasim\user to MATLABHOME\toolbox\ultrasim (if not aleady there). Apart from this there are no differences from a UNIX installation. The path separator '/' is automatically changed to '\' in all filenames. For more details see the sepcific PC guide for installation.

Setup for Developing your own Functions

If the user wants to develop new functions or refine existing ones, a parallel directory to the installation directory (under ULTRASIMHOME) should be created under USER_ULTRASIMHOME. The path must be set in userusim.m so that this directory comes before the installation's directory, see commented examples in the file. In this way it is possible to have your own versions in the development phase.

Starting Ultrasim

Start matlab and enter "usim" at the command prompt. The two ultrasim graphic windows will be created. Enter File, load, from the right-hand window and load an Ultrasim example. See the tutorial in the Manual for more information on these examples.


Published Mar. 9, 2011 10:05 AM