Ultrasim installation on a PC

  1. Make Ultrasim source files available to Matlab:
    • Copy ultrasim and subdirectories to ...toolbox\ultrasim in matlab program installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\MATLAB\toolbox\ultrasim)
    • Make sure Matlab finds the ultrasim source files by adding the file startup.m in ..\toolbox\local. It should contain (in this example):
      % startup.m line for finding ultrasim installation
      addpath('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\toolbox\ultrasim')
    • Edit ...\toolbox\ultrasim\usiminit.m so that the variable ULTRASIMHOME points to the location of the ultrasim source files, e.g. ULTRASIMHOME='c:\Program Files\MATLAB\toolbox\ultrasim';
  2. Make sure Matlab finds the files generated during your Ultrasim sessions:
    • Create directories for ultrasim files generated by user, e.g. ...\My Documents\Matlab\ultrasim\cnf and ...\My Documents\Matlab\ultrasim\results
    • Edit ...\toolbox\ultrasim\userusim.m so that the variable USER_ULTRASIMHOME points to the location of the ultrasim files generated by the user, e.g. USER_ULTRASIMHOME='C:\Documents and Settings\loginname\My Documents\Matlab\ultrasim';
  3. Start matlab and enter "usim" at the command prompt. The two ultrasim graphic windows will be created. Enter File, load, from the right-hand window and load an Ultrasim example. See the tutorial in the Ultrasim manual for more information on these examples.
More details can be found on the main installation page for Ultrasim.

PS! You would make a welcome contribution to the ultrasim user community if you would volunteer to make an automated installation setup program that performs the above steps.


Published Mar. 9, 2011 10:05 AM