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Organisation of the Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry is organised in seven research areas and the school laboratory, a technical unit and an administrative unit.

The Department is managed by a Head of Department who reports to the Board of the Department of Chemistry, which sets the overall goals, prioritizations and strategies for activity and for the administration of the faculty.

Daily management is overseen through an Operations group comprising: 

A strategic advisory group is convened for discussions of more long-term, academic strategies and prioritizations. The Department's researchers also participate in a number of centres and areas of commitment across departmental and university divisions.

Two centres are established between the Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry; the Centre for Material Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) and the Centre for Accelerator-based Research and Energy Physics (SAFE).

Published Mar. 10, 2011 3:41 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2024 11:33 AM