Helga Eng Auditorium 2 Wednesday 21.06 Hr. 10:30

Water Treatment

Irene Slavik,  Wolfgang Uhl

Prediction of SOC breakthrough in Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption (Keynote)



Margarethe Langer, Anne Gröhlich, Sruthi Kalyanasundaram, Manasis Mitrakas, Anastasios Zouboulis, Yioannis Katsoyianni, Mathias  Ernst

Removal of  Cr(vI)   by  fe(II)   reductive  precipitation  from  ground waters containing natural organic matter


Stefanie Schulze, Urs Berger,  Daniel Zahn, Thomas Knepper, Rosa Montes,  José Benito Quintana,  Thorsten Reemtsma

Persistent, mobile and largely unknown. The potential threat to our drinking water resources by persistent, mobile organic compounds


Annemieke Kolkman, Dennis  Vughs,  Kirsten Baken,  Bram Martijn, Pim De Voogt

Application ofdirect analysis to identify mutagenic nitrogenous disinfection byproduct of advanced oxidation drinking water treatment


Thomas Wagner, John  R. Parsons, Alette Langenhoff, Huub Rijnaarts, Pim De Voogt

Simultaneous biodegradation of water treatment additives: Transformation and byproduct formation, impact of biocide shockdosing and salinity



Stefano Alberti, Valentina  Caratto, Federico Locardi, Giorgio A. Costa, Michaela Sturini, Andrea  Speltini, Federica Maraschi, Maurizio Ferretti

Removal of pollutants of emerging concern: optimization of the synthesis of Np-TiO2 supported on a persistent luminescence material for treatment of turbid wastewaters



Published June 28, 2017 7:17 AM - Last modified June 28, 2017 2:53 PM