Aleksander Grochowicz

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Room 1230


Research Interests

I am interested in different uncertainty treatments of energy systems and how well they are represented in energy systems models. The sheer complexity and web of relationships between different components renders this relevant topic interesting for many disciplines. Currently I am working on alternative approaches to traditional cost minimisations in order to increase robustness against perturbations, unforeseen changes, and to take political and societal challenges into account. If we look at "near-optimal solutions", we can escape the rigid cost optima and explore large spaces of alternatives. This can for instance help to understand trade-offs and dynamics between regional and continental investments.

One main interest of mine is the inclusion of weather and climate uncertainties in energy system modelling: how can we reach net-zero targets with a changing climate and ensure that renewables can reliably power our decarbonised future economies? How can we define "extreme events" in energy systems and are they the same as weather extremes?

I have started my PhD in January 2021 under the supervision of Fred Espen Benth and Marianne Zeyringer. I am part of the SPATUS project, which is a collaboration between the Department of Mathematics (MI) and the Department of Technology Systems (ITS) at the University of Oslo. Within this TRG, I focus on a better representation of spatio-temporal uncertainties in energy system models. Here I particularly investigate the role of historical weather data and how different mathematical models can quantify and assess risks of intermittent renewables.

I am part of the Risk and Stochastics section at MI and at ITS, I am part of the energy systems modelling group, who work on highRES that investigates a renewable European power system in 2050.

Tags: Mathematics, Energy, Dynamical Systems, Energy systems, Uncertainty analyses


  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; van Greevenbroek, Koen & Bloomfield, Hannah C. (2024). Using power system modelling outputs to identify weather-induced extreme events in highly renewable systems. Environmental Research Letters. ISSN 1748-9326. 19(5), p. 1–15. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad374a. Full text in Research Archive
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; Benth, Fred Espen & Zeyringer, Marianne (2024). Spatio-temporal smoothing and dynamics of different electricity flexibility options for highly renewable energy systems—Case study for Norway. Applied Energy. ISSN 0306-2619. 356. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.122338.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; van Greevenbroek, Koen; Benth, Fred Espen & Zeyringer, Marianne (2023). Intersecting near-optimal spaces: European power systems with more resilience to weather variability. Energy Economics. ISSN 0140-9883. 118. doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2022.106496. Full text in Research Archive
  • Craig, Michael T.; Wohland, Jan; Stoop, Laurens P.; Kies, Alexander; Pickering, Bryn & Bloomfield, Hannah C. [Show all 23 contributors for this article] (2022). Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modeling. Joule. ISSN 2542-4351. 6(7), p. 1405–1417. doi: 10.1016/j.joule.2022.05.010. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Grochowicz, Aleksander (2023). Spatio-temporal smoothing and dynamics of different electricity flexibility options.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander (2023). Identifying weather stress events from power system optimisation outputs.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; Greevenbroek, Koen van & Bloomfield, Hannah C. (2023). Identifying weather stress events from power system optimisation outputs.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander (2023). The role of historical weather data and how that can be used for a more resilient energy transition.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; van Greevenbroek, Koen; Benth, Fred Espen & Zeyringer, Marianne (2023). Intersecting Near-Optimal Spaces for Policy Information.
  • van Greevenbroek, Koen; Grochowicz, Aleksander & Bloomfield, Hannah C. (2023). Identifying Weather Stress Events from Power System Optimisation Outputs.
  • Greevenbroek, Koen van; Grochowicz, Aleksander; Zeyringer, Marianne; Noll, Josef & Vågerö, Oskar (2023). Vi treng uavhengig forsking, ikkje drøymetenking om kjernekraft. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander & Zeyringer, Marianne (2023). Managing the variability in time and space of renewable power generation.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander & Zeyringer, Marianne (2023). Managing the variability in time and geography of renewable power generation.
  • van Greevenbroek, Koen; Zeyringer, Marianne; Noll, Josef; Grochowicz, Aleksander & Vågerö, Oskar (2023). Kjernekraft er ikkje naudsynt for Noreg. Det vil heller ikkje lønna seg. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Melteig, Elina & Grochowicz, Aleksander (2023). Strømmarkedet: Hva skjer hvis vi kobler Nord- og Sør-Norge? . [Internet].,,
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; van Greevenbroek, Koen; Benth, Fred Espen & Zeyringer, Marianne (2022). Intersecting near-optimal spaces for robust energy systems.
  • Zeyringer, Marianne; Benth, Fred Espen; Roithner, Maximilian; Grochowicz, Aleksander & Sirotko-Sibirskaya, Natalia (2022). Climate-resilient net-zero energy system design.
  • van Greevenbroek, Koen & Grochowicz, Aleksander (2022). Effect of different weather years on policymakers’ decision space.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander (2022). Intersecting near-optimal spaces for more resilience against weather variability.
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander (2024). Resilience and weather uncertainty in energy system models. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 1501-7710. Full text in Research Archive
  • Grochowicz, Aleksander; Heineken, Daniel & Wennberg, Sondre (2021). The reliability of wind power in the Longyearbyen area. Universitetssenteret på Svalbard. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

Published Jan. 4, 2021 2:07 PM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2023 3:17 PM