FocuStat in the Media

FocuStat projects and participants occasionally attract the attention of the media.

Nils Lid Hjort explaining a delicate point to the press.



  • September 2020: Various news stories, in various channels, about Nils Lid Hjort and Håvard Mokleiv Nygård's project Stability and Change, which they will lead at Centre of Advanced Studies at the Academy of Science and Letters, August 2022 to June 2023. Here from Titan, here from PRIO, here from Department of Mathematics, UiO, here in Uniforum, here in Khrono, here the news item from CAS itself.
  • September 2020: Cover story + two pages in VG, about the Astrocytic Ca2+ signaling and its secrets for your sleep, based on the Nature Communications paper by Laura Bojarskaite + eleven other coauthors, including Céline Cunen and Gudmund Hermansen.
  • July 2020: "Omstridt beregningsmetode satte ned elevers karakterer: En slags Kafka-prosess". Hjort contributes to the debate on the IB School's handling of the mark setting for thousands of students, spring 2020, in NRK Beta.
  • June 2020: "En av dem var matematikkprofessor Nils Lid Hjort, som var nærmest litt høy etter å ha sunget salme nr. 309 i F-dur med mange punkteringer." KIrken i Oslo, page 22-23, with Dag Solstad discussing God and death and literature.
  • May 2020: Emil Aas Stoltenberg is angry young man, protesting the ahistoric font change that has vederfaret Oslos befolkning.
  • April 2020: Nils Lid Hjort is interviewed in Titan about the basic statistical things going on with the korona: Koronakrisen: Plutselig ble statistikk allemannseie. These couple of skjermdumps prove that this little thing, with the statistikk though not necessarily Hjort becoming allemannseie, for a few days was placed at the very top of the front page, so to speak, at the webpages of (a) Titan and (b) selveste UiO.
  • February 2020: Nils Lid Hjort is on Abels Tårn (again; a previous 2018 programme was being re-sent).
  • February 2020: Nils Lid Hjort and his work on the 2 x 1000 m is mentioned during Viasat 4's three-day televised live coverage from the Calgary World Cup.


  • December 2019: Blir verden egentlig fredeligere? Full one-page story in Aftenposten Viten, by Céline Cunen, Nils Lid Hjort, and Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, December 19, referring also to their upcoming Journal of Peace Research article about Statistical Sightings of Better Angels.
  • November 2019: Nils Lid Hjort is interviewed, briefly and unsatisfactorily and forgettably, by NRK Radio, as he's in the long queue waiting to have words and things signed by renowned Disney artist Don Rosa, in "Outland", Kirkegata, Oslo.
  • June 2019: Emil Aas Stoltenberg is on a panel discussion in Arendalsuka.


  • December 2018: Céline Cunen is the Titan Prize 2018 Awardee. In Titan, the University of Oslo: Prisen utdeles årlig til en forsker som har gjort en fremragende innsats med å formidle forskningen ved fakultetet. Cunen har utmerket seg ved å kommunisere om statistikk på en overbevisende, morsom, viktig og interessante måte.

  • December 2018: Krig, fred, statistikk -- om at verden er blitt fredeligere. Radio conversation in NRK2 Studio 2, with Nils Lid Hjort and Håvard Nygård, interviewed by Otto Haug.
  • December 2018: The Verden er blitt fredeligere story has been picked up by, and is front page news there, the first week of December.
  • December 2018: Verden er blitt fredeligere (the world has become more peaceful). Article in Apollon, featuring Céline Cunen, Gudmund Hermansen, Nils Lid Hjort, Håvard Nygård. See also the Apollon Theme Issue on contemporary applied statistical research, January 2019.
  • September 2018: Sørlig vågehval er avmagret. In Klassekampen (yes, Class Struggle, 21-ix-18), about the eleven years of statistical-political fighting within the IWC, now "won" by PhD candidate Céline Cunen and professor Nils Lid Hjort.
  • September 2018: Endelig enighet om at den sørlige vågehvalen er blitt avmagret. Story in Titan, concerning how statisticians Céline Cunen and Nils Lid Hjort entered the international and partly politicised debate on the slimming of minke whales in the Antartic, in the International Whaling Commission's Scientific Committee (and won, somehow).
  • September 2018: Game of Thrones and Reality: A Cross-disciplinary start of the term, at PRIO, with Céline Cunen giving a lecture and then being on the panel, with 125 pizza eating participants.
  • June 2018: La mayor paz de la historia comenzo con la guerra de Vietnam. Lavanguardia, with "Investigadores de la Universidad de Oslo revisan la teoría de Steven Pinker, que señalaba el punto de inflexión en 1945", etc.
  • June 2018: Two statisticians at the University of Oslo have blown a hole in Steven Pinker’s famous theory that the Long Peace dates from 1945 onwards. A version of the Titan article, re-blogged at PRIO.
  • June 2018: The Long Peace most likely began during the Vietnam War. Titan [translation of earlier feature article, from Norwegian to English].
  • May 2018: Do we need May 17th every year? «Å fjerne allround på skøyter er som å endre reglene i fotball for å legge opp til flere mål.» Kronikk, VG, by Arve Hjelseth (sosiolog), Iver Ørstavik (filosof), and Nils Lid Hjort (statistician and professor, UiO).
  • May 2018: Kunnskapsforetak? Nei takk! La oss slippe å bruke tid på dette nå igjen -- vi vil forske, undervise og formidle! Kronikk, Aftenposten, 2-v-2018 (with Nils Lid Hjort among a string of other professors about foretaksmodellen).
  • April 2018: Jeg elsker dig! © Nils Lid Hjort –  each year, a few of Nils's translations of classical song texts find their ways to official concert programme notes; the most popular remains this Grieg song, as here, with soprano R.R. Harmann, April 29 2018, for an evening recital with Love Songs, here with the Ohio Valley Symphony.
  • March 2018: Titan publishes a partly abridged and graphically somewhat debeautified version of Nils Lid Hjort's Post-Olympic FocuStat Blog Post The Best Metal-Grabbing Games Ever (but they were not quite able to write  \(\widehat p_j\) etc., apparently). 
  • February 2018: Skøyteløp i OL blir aldri helt rettferdig. Says Nils Lid Hjort, apparently, in, 23-ii-2018.
  • February 2018: Om å spise opp en rygg. Nils Lid Hjort on NRK P2 radio, the cultural channel (of course), 22-ii-2018.
  • February 2018: Last ned statistikeren som endra OL (og vil gjøre det igjen). Podcast, from Abels Tårn (Vaffel og Vitenskap), 16-ii-2018; tv programme version aired on 20-ii-2018, NRK2. Nils Lid Hjort was starstrøkk some weeks earlier, when Pinker tweeted his admiration for the War-and-Peace FocuStat Blog Post, and was starstrøkk again when on the Abels Tårn panel. The background, for both the Abels Tårn appearance and the Titan article, is the Pre-Olympic 2 x 1000 meter FocuStat Blog Post.
  • February 2018: "Kvinner er forskjellige fra menn, rent aerodynamisk sett, forklarer professor Hjort." Skøyteløp: Start i indre bane gir stor fordel på 1000-meteren. In Titan.
  • February 2018: Prio reblogs Nils Lid Hjort's blog post, with Towards a More Peaceful World [insert `!' or `?' here] filed under "Conflict Patterns" (and tagged with "Better Angels" and "Vietnam War").
  • January 2018: Céline Cunen and Nils Lid Hjort are portrayed in Titan: Mest sannsynlig at Den lange freden begynte under Vietnamkrigen.
  • January 2018: Steven Pinker tweets admiration for Nils Lid Hjort's blog post Towards a More Peaceful World [Insert `!' or `?' here].
  • January 2018: Nils Lid Hjort is a panel discussant for the PRIO event Oslo Lectures on Peace and Conflict.
  • January 2018: Nils Lid Hjort and Håvard Nygård are portrayed in Titan: Uvisst om Den lange freden er kommet for å bli.
  • January 2018: Nils Lid Hjort, now qua literary analyst, apparently, makes it to the =Oslo.


  • December 2017: The Centre of Excellence for Jule- and Julenisse-forskning, with Hjort among the alleged experts, is portrayed in Titan: Du kravlende, glitrende, krypende, kravlende ...
  • December 2017: Another entry in Titan, with the same Centre of Excellence for Jule- and Julenisse-forskning: Har julenissen spist for meget rød fluesopp? 
  • November 2017: Jo da, miljøfartsgrensen virker. Article in Aftenposten, about air quality in the Oslo region, by Britt Ann Kåstad Høiskaar (NILU), Dag Tønnessen (NILU), Sam-Erik Walker (NILU and the FocuStat group).
  • September 2017: Aber Ihre Untersuchung war nicht nur Spaß, Céline Cunen?, fragt Technology Review, in their interview, for readers in three countries:  Game of Thrones ist historisch realistisch.
  • September 2017: Ender med å velge det trygge: Dagens næringsliv interviews Kristoffer Hellton.
  • August 2017: Arbeiderpartiet faller, men vinner: Finansavisen interviews Kristoffer Hellton, Anders Løland and Clara-Cecilie Günther.
  • [xx various to be filled in here, with Cunen and Wars of the Roses and Game of Thrones, in lots of places. xx]
  • April 2017: Céline Cunen is giving an "åpen dag" University of Oslo lecture, also shown (and kept) on television, NRK Skole. 
  • January 2017: Céline Cunen is featured in Titan: New statistical methods shed light on mediaeval literary mystery.


  • December 2016: UiO-forskere undersøker om Donald Trump er julenissen, reports Titan, again relying on the Centre of Apparent Excellence for Jule- og Julenisse-forskning, where Nils Lid Hjort seemingly is on board.
  • November 2016, and for a long row of later occasions: Vinnie Ko has so many interviews and rescensions and book signing occasions that he could easily have his own "in the media" list – and, inderdaad, he has; check his in de media here.
  • November 2016: Vinnie Ko has his splendid book Met Hartelijke Groente launched in the Netherlands. [xx a few more details to come here. xx]
  • November 2016: Emil Aas Stoltenberg takes part in Urix, NRK, concerning the ins & outs of the US elections.
  • November 2016: Emil Aas Stoltenberg is in Dax18, Dagsnytt Atten, NRK, to explain US elections to the people; he returns the next day, also in Dax18, to explain more.
  • October 2016: "Bra påvist! Påvis mer!", writes selveste Natt og Dag, about Céline Cunen's work on the Wars of the Roses.
  • September 2016: Céline Cunen is featured in Universitas: The death rate in Game of Thrones is closer to real history than you think.
  • August 2016: Martin Jullum grabs the silver in the Pre-Orienteering World Championship (after Martin Fredholm) in Strömstad, Sweden.
  • August 2016: Céline Cunen is featured in Titan: The death rate in Game of Thrones is realistic.
  • May 2016: Gudmund Hermansen behind the success of the Oslo Data-Science Meetup, explains Big Insight.


  • October 2015: Matematikere på Blindern har regnet ut sannsynligheten for sammentreffet mellom Borghild og Khuu. "Hvis man sjekker en billion kvinner, vil man finne fem slike par", explains Martin Jullum and David Ruiz Banos, to Aftenposten-TV.
  • October 2015: Aftenposten's A-Magasinet has a special edition about "Two Lives", with the fascinating life stories of two women, born on the same day, who died on the same day, in Lillestrøm, 101 years later. They asked for help regarding the simple-but-complicated question "how unlikely is this". Martin Jullum, David Ruiz Banos and Nils Lid Hjort are credited in the special edition for assessing and presenting different aspects of that question. This also led to the FocuStat Blog Post To liv: kvinnene i Lillestrøm som ble født på samme dag og døde på samme dag.
  • June 2015: Martin Jullum wins the bronze in the Pre-Orienteering World Championship in Zagreb, Croatia.
  • April 2015: Denne 27-åringens regnestykker skal gi bedre kreftbehandling, claims Budstikka, about Kristoffer Hellton.


  • December 2014: General release occasion, with a bit of media attention, of the Ad Fontes Festskrift for Terje Kvam, where Nils Lid Hjort has contributed his Deilig er Jorden essay.
  • August 2014: Our World Champion Martin Jullum is Athlete of the Month of the International Orienteering Federation.
  • July 2014: Our PhD student Martin Jullum is World Champion in Pre-Orienteering in Trentino, Italy.
  • April 1962: Niåring går tusen kilometer på ski! Forsidesak i Dagbladet, med langt og delvis fingert intervju med den senere statistikkprofessor et sted inne i avisen.
By Nils Lid Hjort
Published Jan. 31, 2018 11:14 AM - Last modified June 23, 2024 5:20 PM