Checklist for project budgets for external funding

Before the deadline that you can find on Njord's page about external funding, please fill in and send the list below to Janne. The list should be filled in by the project leader. Please let us know if you have partners on the project so we can request the necessary and relevant information from them for the budget.

General information

  • Project leader
  • Project title
  • Project period
  • Short description of the project (maximum 60 words)

New employees

  • Type of position (PhD, postdoc, researcher or other). Write name(s) if relevant.
  • Period on the project (MM.YY-MM.YY)
  • Percentage of a full position (1%-100%)

Staff currently employed by project owner (UiO) or partner:

  • Name(s) and where they are currently employed.
  • In-kind contribution (needs to be approved by employer) or financed by the project
  • Period on the project (MM.YY-MM.YY)
  • Percentage on the project of a full position (1%-100%)

General expenses

  • Yearly expenses for 
    • Travels and conferenses
    • Lab and field work activity
    • Other operating costs. Please be aware that ordinary computers and publications costs for Open Access can not be covered by the project.
  • Use of existing infracstructure at UiO. This needs to be included in the budget as we pay rent for this. Please estimate number of hours pr year. This should always be paid by the project.
  • Will you need services from I-lab (Instrument laboratory) or ELAB (laboratory for electronics)? Please estimate number of hours.
  • Buying R&D-services (FoU-tjenester)
  • Do you want to apply for a scolarship for guest researcher? If so, how many months and when in the project period.


Published Oct. 16, 2020 2:14 PM - Last modified Oct. 3, 2022 9:32 AM