Process for applications for funding

Are you planning to send an application for  external funding to a research project?

Coins in a pile on a white surface, small plant with a couple of leafes growing from the pile of coins.
Photo: (c) Micheile Henderson/Unsplash


Please get in touch with us as soon as possible if you plan to apply for any of the calls from RCN or other calls.  

Senior researchers at Njord and administrative support staff will be happy to review your application and we highly recommend it. Please inform us in advance if you want your application to be reviewed so we can make arrangements with the senior researchers.

RCN has changed its application policy and there will be no deadlines for applications from August 2023. We will make individual plans and dates for the different stages.




In order for your application to be ready and approved by Njord before submitting it in the  RCN portal make sure that these stages are approved. 

    • Inform François and Janne about your planned application. A short description is sufficient here. You are advised to start drafting the budget already here, get in contact with Janne
    • Send your first draft of the project description and checklist for project budgets Remember to inform us if you will be wanting a review of the application by senior researchers and administrative support staff. 
    • Deadline for sending draft for project description and final budget (including egenbidrag/own share) for administrative approval to Janne and François. Keep in mind that even if you are resending a previously sent application the budget needs to be updated as the rates change every year. 
    • Deadline for getting administrative approval from Njord.
    • Please send the complete application to Janne after submitting.

Please remember to fill inn the checklist for project budgets for external funding.

Information for the application:

Project Owner: Search and Select an organisation: Njord -> Universitetet i Oslo (971 035 854)

Project Administrator:

First name: Janne 

Last name: Hoff

Date of birth: 050173

Personal number: [blank]

Gender: Female

Position/title: Administrative coordinator

Phone: 22 85 60 45


Confirmation: "The application has been approved by the Project owner." This Box should only be ticked when the Application has been actually approved by Project owner, the leader of the center.

Published Oct. 16, 2020 2:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2024 11:52 AM