Anja Røyne gets Titan's Communication Award

Anja Røyne's impressive communication work is recognized by many. This week she received the Communication Award from Titan, news from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Four people in a zoom-meeting. The screen is split in four parts, showing one person from the shoulders and up in each part of the screen.

Anja Røyne (bottom right) received the award virtually by the dean Morten Dæhlen (bottom left).Titan was also present, represented by editor Wenche Willoch(top left) and journalist Eivind Torgersen (top right). Photo: Titan

The award was given to her, over zoom, by the Dean of the Faculty, Morten Dæhlen. He said the following:

What you have accomplished within the field of science communication is impressive. When we add it together with what you contribute with in research and as a teacher for the Physics students you have shown yourself to be a multi-talented scientist.

In 2020, Anja has published two books, "Fysikk - enkelt forklart" and "Varm klode, kaldt hode", she given popular science talks on her book "The Elements We Live By", appeared several times on national radio, and been interviewed by national newspapers. So she is truly a worthy winner! We are proud to have Anja as part of Njord.

To communicate our research and findings is an important part of Njord’s mission. We communicate to the international academic world and to the public, both in Norway and abroad. We aim to convey our knowledge and to increase appreciation and understanding of science through our outreach projects. Several of Njord’s researchers are particularly skilled at research communication, and Anja Røyne is one of them. At the same time, we do encourage all our researchers to communicate their work. To read more about how other scientists at Njord are skillfully communicating science and their research, please have a look at our annual reports, we have a dedicated page for this. The report from 2020 is coming soon, but until then you can have a look at page 19 in the report from 2018 and page 25 in the report from 2019.

Published Dec. 18, 2020 10:32 AM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2020 10:51 AM