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Planets and Early Earth

Addresses planet formation, evolution and comparative planetology to identify the initial conditions for habitability and how a planet’s composition and interior influence its ability to nurture a biosphere.

Icon and picture for the theme Planets and Early Earth

Fundamentally, this requires accurate timelines to constrain critical changes in the environment and climate, and for Earth specifically, the conditions for early life and Earth’s evolution as a habitable, hospitable and inhabited planet.

Knowledge collected from Earth and other rocky planets in the Solar System will enable us to recognize the key conditions for planetary habitability and to develop predictive models to identify habitable planets around other stars.

Work Packages: Planets and Early Earth

  • Timelines (Torsvik, Werner)
  • Planet Formation (Werner, Torsvik)
  • Atmosphere Evolution (Werner, Jahren)
  • Early Oceans (Conrad, Werner)
  • Magnetic Fields (Torsvik, Gaina)
  • Tectonic Regimes & Interior (Gaina, Conrad)
  • Snowball Earths & Tipping Points (Torsvik, Werner)
  • Conditions for Early Life (Liow, Werner)

Linked projects:

HIDDEN (Caracas), BOULDERING (Prieur)

All research themes and work packages

The research at the Centre for Planetary Habitability is performed in three themes:

Published June 28, 2023 10:53 AM - Last modified July 4, 2023 12:20 PM