Activities in DEEP

Courses, workshops and research

Image of four people taking together
DEEP members discussing writing at the Writing retreat in February 2020. Photo: Mathew Stiller-Reef.

As a national research school DEEP offers several intensive academic courses, workshops and research and travel grants. DEEP also arranges a General Assembly once a year. 

Want to register as a member or associate to participate in our activities?

Follow this link


Want to see upcoming activities and courses?

Follow this link

DEEP's General Assembly

PhD students are presenting their posters and discussing togetherEvery year DEEP invites all members to our General Assembly. This is an opportunity for practicing research outreach and networking.


DEEPs virtual PhD Day 2020:


University intensive courses

The courses listed below are offered as DEEP official courses. If you are a DEEP PhD member and accepted to follow any of these courses, we cover travel and living costs if you have to travel to participate. 

Courses: University of Oslo

For the DEEP courses offered at UiO you apply by filling out an online application form. The form will be made available through the links above in good time before the course is taught. If you lack a study right at UiO, you will be able to apply for a visiting PhD study right in the same form.

Courses: University of Tromsø

You have to apply officially through UiT within 1 December to take part in their courses as a visiting PhD student. PhD students with UiT registeres as normal through StudentWeb.

Courses: University of Bergen

You have to apply officially through UiB to take part in their courses as a visiting PhD student. DEEP will assist in this prosess. PhD students with UiB registeres as normal through StudentWeb.


As a PhD student you have limited courses to attend that are specifically designed to fit your interests, your project and the skills that you need to complete your PhD. DEEP wants to offer courses that give each and every one of our PhD students the education they need.

Courses-on-Demand have four calls each year. PhD students within DEEP can apply to get their needed course funded by applying within the deadlines:

  • 15 February
  • 15 May
  • 15 August
  • 15 November

Outreach and soft skill workshops

The following courses and workshops are planned:

Workshops offered earlier: